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A/N Hi! I've decided to end this book on a pleasant note. I do not know if I'm going to continue. This is a new book, but if you guys enjoy this, please let me know, and I will make a new book.

2 Years later.

Alora and Colby have now been married for 2 years and they could never be happier, they have a beautiful bouncing baby girl and a boy. Their daughter Katie is now two years old and their son Ryder is one.

As they sat down for breakfast, Alora couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. She looked across the table at her husband Colby, who was sipping his coffee and reading the morning paper. He looked up and smiled at her, and it was like no time had passed at all since their wedding day.

"Can you believe it's been two years?" she asked, taking a bite of her toast.

Colby shook his head. "It's flown by, hasn't it? Feels like just yesterday we just met at that bar."Alora smiled, thinking back to that beautiful day. The sun had been shining, the sky blue, and she'd felt like the luckiest woman in the world as she walked down the aisle toward Colby.

Now, two years later, their love had only grown stronger. They had their beautiful children, and they were building a life together that Alora could only have dreamed of.

"mama?" Their daughter Katie asked.

Alora turned to Katie, smiling. "Yes, sweetheart?"

"I want to go to the park today," Katie said, her eyes wide with excitement.

Colby lowered his paper, looking over at his daughter. "The park, huh? That sounds like a great idea. What do you think, Alora?"

Alora nodded. "I think that's a wonderful idea. We can pack a picnic lunch and spend the whole day there."

Katie clapped her hands together, her face lit up with joy. Ryder, who had been babbling happily in his highchair, gurgled in agreement.

As they finished breakfast and got ready for the day, Alora couldn't help but feel grateful for the life they had built together. She knew they would face challenges in the future, but with Colby by her side, she felt like they could handle anything that came their way.

You may be thinking what about Sam and Kat? Well they ended up getting married and they have a little baby boy on the way.Alora and Colby were thrilled for their friends Sam and Kat, who had fallen just as deeply in love as they had. It was like they were all living in a fairytale, complete with happy endings for everyone.

As they walked to the park, Katie and Ryder running ahead of them, Alora felt a sense of peace settle over her. Life wasn't perfect, but it was damn near close.

When they arrived at the park, they found a perfect spot under a large oak tree, and Colby laid out a blanket while Alora unpacked the picnic basket. Katie and Ryder played on the nearby swings and slides, their laughter filling the air.

As they ate their sandwiches and fruit, Alora and Colby talked about their future plans. They wanted to travel more, see the world, and give their children every opportunity they could. They dreamed of a big house with a backyard, a pool, and maybe even a dog.

But for now, they were happy to enjoy this simple moment together, surrounded by their children and the beauty of the park. Alora leaned her head on Colby's shoulder, feeling his warmth and love surround her.

"Thank you for making my dreams come true," she whispered to him.

Colby turned to her, his eyes sparkling. "I should be thanking you. You've given me everything I ever wanted in life."

They shared a kiss, their love still as strong as it was on their wedding day. As they pulled away, they saw their children running back towards them with big smiles on their faces."Come on, Mom and Dad!" Katie said, tugging at Alora's hand. "Let's go play!"

Alora and Colby laughed and followed their children, feeling grateful for the life they had built and the love that surrounded them. They knew that challenges would come, but they also knew that they could face them together, as a family.

As they played, Alora couldn't help but think about the future and all the adventures that awaited them. But for now, she was content to live in the moment and savor the love that surrounded them.

As the sun began to set and they packed up their things to head home, Alora looked back at the park, feeling grateful for the memories they had made there. She knew that they would come back again, and that each time they did, their love would only grow stronger.

They walked hand in hand, their children asleep in their stroller, content in the love that they shared. And as they approached their home, Alora knew that they had found their happily ever after. But just as they were about to step into their home, Colby suddenly picked up Alora, causing her to laugh in surprise.

"What are you doing?" she asked, giggling.

"I just wanted to carry you over the threshold," he replied, grinning at her. "We never got to do that on our wedding day."

Alora felt her heart swell with love as Colby carried her inside their home, their children sleeping soundly in the stroller beside them. It was moments like these that made her grateful for the man she had married and the life they were building together.

As Colby set her down, they shared a deep, passionate kiss, their love for each other evident in every touch.

"Happy anniversary, my love," he whispered against her lips.

"Happy anniversary," she replied, smiling up at him.

They spent the rest of the night cuddled up together, reminiscing about their past and dreaming about their future. And as they drifted off to sleep.

The End


Thank you for reading Pure Luck! This is like my first ever book/story that I have ever written fully so let me know if you enjoy it and want another book comment and vote! :)

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