Chapter 2

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As the weeks of summer go on you're loads more comfortable around the castle. Since the dinner, any time you pass a staff member they make sure to tell you hello, even Professor Snape. It's very promising.

You think out of all your professors, he was your favorite. He was terrifying and intelligent and mysterious but took his job very seriously and you admire that. And no matter how hard he may try not to show it, he does care for his students and their education. That's why he's the best professor there is here, in your opinion. But who cares if you're biased.

As you're leaving your office with your notebook you bump into Lockhart, once again. It's like he's always waiting for you and you hate it. You run into him all the damn time. "Oh hello Y/N," he beams that theatrical smile at you, pep in his step, "I'm glad I caught you actually."

"Professor Lockhart," you clear your throat and turn around to lock your office door, "why's that?"

"As we both know, classes are starting in two more weeks and from what I hear no one has offered to take you on," he says pointing out something that, despite everyone's niceties, has been gnawing in your mind. No one has offered to discuss with you what they may need assistance with, hell you're begining to question Professor Snape himself when it comes to setting up a schedule.

"What do you need help with," you reluctantly ask him, realizing that if you want to kick start your apprenticeship, you have to start somewhere. "Oh my dear you wouldn't be having to help with much," he croons as you start slowly walking the both of you down the hallway and into a more public area of the castle. "So what will I be doing then," you ask him with a bit of attitude in your tone but you can hardly help it, he creeps you out.

"Just sit and look pretty," he smiles, "just observing what happens in a class room can be pretty useful."

As we continue on you can feel him inching closer and closer to you, and now you're walking very close to the wall which isn't somewhere you'd like to get stuck with him. You feel as though you could squirm out of your skin, in a bad way.  "Well I'd hope that I'd be doing something constructive. I've spent my 7 years in class already. At least some paperwork can be handed my way," you try and argue back his 'just sit and look pretty' reasoning.

He turns to you abruptly making you face him in the process, "now Y/N," he says gently and it makes your stomach turn, "no one has approached you about shadowing," his hand reaches out slowly to grip your arm to keep you steady. You're honestly too stunned to move or speak. "I suggest that you take my offer. What could be better than watching my amazing figure dance across the room," he says. He has a menacing look in his eyes and you try and squirm away but his grip is strong, he isn't acting right. You panic and try to figure out a way to inconspicuously get ahold of your wand.

"Perhaps getting proper education," you hear a baritone voice echo through the air and to your ears. Lockhart flinches a bit and releases you immediately. You quickly separate myself and move towards your savior, Professor Snape.

"Afternoon Professor," you greet him kindly, but still a bit shaken from Lockhart's inappropriate behavior. He gives you a nod, looking down at you over his nose. "An assistant shouldn't shadow a class, they need to be put to work," Professor Snape tells Lockhart in a bored tone. "We'd be doing work, though," he looks back and forth between you and professor snape, pleading innocence, "isn't that right Y/N?" His eyes lock onto you and you're not sure what to say, "uh-."

"Actually, Miss L/N," Professor snape interrupts you, which is uncommon, "I was headed to your office as well." He turns his attention to you and looks down with his onyx eyes, "Considering your House status being that of Slytherin, I figured now would've been as good of time as ever to offer a mentorship of sorts."

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