Chapter 5

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You groggily roll over in your bed and slam your hand down on the alarm clock. You set it for 6AM so you can have more than enough time to get ready and head to the Great Hall for orientation and Brunch starting at 8am.

You lift yourself to sit up in bed, thats hardest part of waking up. You stretch your sleepy limbs a bit before fully standing to walk to the bathroom. "Today's the day," you say to yourself in the mirror and start flossing and brushing your teeth. You think about how to style your hair. Up or down or in a clip? What about make up? Probably just keep it light like usual. This is work. And how you present yourself on the first day will give the students an impression of you, so it better be good.

You wash your mouth out and quickly squish around mouth wash. You decide you'll get a better picture of how you want to do your hair once you get dressed. You walk to your armoire and grab a black a-line skirt and a white long sleeve turtle neck sweater. You reach into your undergarments drawer and grab a pair of black stockings. You quickly pull the clothes on and secure the hem of your shirt under your skirt, charming it to stay put.

You run a brush through your hair and look at yourself and honestly your hair looks better down than it would up with this outfit. You pull out your curling rod that you brought from home and get to work making loose curls in your hair.

You're not satisfied until you throw on a light natural make up look, enhancing some of your more pretty features. Putting on your wrist watch, you look at the time and to your surprise you've finished early. You pack your over the shoulder bag and place Snape's Advanced Potions book in there along with your new journal and a couple of granola bars in case you get hungry before lunch or if a student needs them.

You grab your bag and cloak before heading out the door towards the Great Hall. You lock your door and start walking down the hallway, fastening the buttons on your cloak. You round the corner and of course are met with Professor Snape who makes his way to the Great Hall as well.

"Good morning," you chirp at the tired looking professor. "Is it," he sighs and it makes you chuckle. You've had him for morning and afternoon classes throughout your years and you know he is not a morning person. "Well hopefully it will be. You have me this year," you smile to him. The corner of his lips twitch up slightly but it's a smile. He should really do it more often, it makes him look much more kind.

Your chest flutters with pride. You know you can't act on your attraction to Snape but you don't think that means you can't be nice to the man. Who knows, maybe a friendship will form and that will satisfy you.

When you both enter the Great Hall it's already filling with students and faculty. You think back to your first days here and entering this hall for the first time. You were so scared and excited so you can only imagine how all the children feel, especially first years.

You make your way through the crowd and honestly you're confused on where to go. Do you have your own area? You're not a professor or a student. As your mind races you must look lost because suddenly you feel someone's hand gently cup your elbow.

"This way," you hear Snape's voice low against your ear, sending shivers up your spine. He guides you to the Professor's table and nods to you to sit when you make it to your spot. You give him a tight lipped smile and nod in thanks as he takes a seat beside you.

Not long after everyone is seated you see Dumbledore make his way to the podium. In a flick a grand flash bursts from his wand, turning everyone's attention to him. The glowing ball of light shoots up to the very center of the high castle ceiling then disburses with a pop, raining little gold flecks of light all around the Great Hall.

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