Chapter 17

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You both walk around the class flicking your wands, setting up cauldrons and the necessary equipment the students will need for class today. You work like a well oiled machine. After a bit, Severus walks off to the ingredients cabinet and grabs multiple vials placing them at the stations carefully.

He hasn't let you in on what the students will be making today but he assures you it's an easy enough potion to assist with, but of course a potions master would think that. Around 8:55 you have the first students start to trickle in. You stand by the door and greet everyone as they walk in.

You've gotten to know quite a few of the students the last few weeks, especially Draco Malfoy, the boy you had to correct on the first day. You like to think you've gained his respect since then. He makes sure to smile and wave at you as he passes into the room. You give him your best 'got my eye on you' look, which makes him smile.

When all the students are in class and accounted for you shut the door and make your way to the desk and take a seat.

"As you can see on your work stations, we will be brewing today," Severus begins his instructional lecture. A couple students exchange sounds of excitement before their professor continues on, "however, this potion is not to exit this classroom, nor is it allowed to be used." You furrow your brows in confusion, curious as to what it could be.

"Amortentia is a prohibited potion in this school. It's ingredient list consists of the items laid out in front of your cauldrons: ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, peppermint, powdered moonstone, pearl dust, and rose petals," your eyebrows shoot up when Severus reveals what the students will be brewing today. He's brave to give them knowledge of a restricted potion but you assume it's just to ease the tensions of last night, bringing the fun back to Hogwarts.

"Once you completed, call myself or Miss L/N over to your station and we will bottle it and place it to the side for grading. After that it will be promptly destroyed. No one is going to sneak or slip their potion to anyone lest they want a most severe punishment, do I make myself clear, class?" He looks around the room at the students over his nose, surely getting his point across.

There's a quiet wave of acceptances that float around as Severus turns around to his desk picking up a packet of paper. He hands each student one, letting them know that what's being given are the instructions on how to brew such potion.

When he's done he makes his way back to his desk and takes a seat.

Restricted potions in potions class. I would've never expected this from you, professor.


You write him a quick note and slide it over to his desk. He picks up the paper and reads what you have written and you can see him bite his cheek before writing a response.

There's plenty of things I can do that you'd never expect Miss L/N.

But in all seriousness, the students need a distraction from their ruined feast. This activity has been cleared by the headmaster so we need not worry unless a student manages to steal a vial.


Instead of sliding you the note he makes it flit over to you like a butterfly like the first time you wrote him. It makes you smile and you do your best to hide the blush.

What are you doing this afternoon.


You make the note flutter over to him and you hear him sigh when he reads it.

That fully depends on how the day goes. However I can imagine my evening may consist of taking you to dinner. Away from the school. I'd like to discuss yesterday; I feel I owe an explanation.

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