Chapter 23

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The start of a new week has begun and you're excited. It's Monday so it means that you will be assisting in Transfiguration today with Professor McGonagall.

Severus had come to your place Saturday night and is leaving for the first time this morning. You were shocked that he stayed as long as he did but you're not going to complain. Little did you know, Severus had had a very troubling conversation with both Albus and McGonagall before making his way to your quarters.

The only thoughts running through his head were those involving the dark lord. No matter how many touches the two of you exchanged it wasn't enough to completely take his mind off his woes.

When Monday morning came he told himself he wouldn't let you know what was bothering him. He'd play it off like there was nothing wrong. It always comes down to that for him doesn't it? What can masking for one more person hurt?

He watches as you bounce around your bedroom in excitement, getting ready for McGonagall's classes. He wonders if you ran around like this when going to his class for the first time. The thought warms his heart.

You toss on your usual attire, skirt and blouse, and look at yourself in the mirror. When you're satisfied you braid your hair back and throw on some light make up.

"Hey do you want to eat in this morning for breakfast so we don't have to rush to class," you shout from the bathroom, louder than is needed, to Severus. "Why would we need to rush," he asks you and looks at the clock on your wall, "we have plenty of time." You shrug, putting your make up away.

"What if I just like cooking for you," you ask and turn to face him. He's sat on the edge of your bed fully dressed and looking presentable for the day.

"Then you can like it, but I don't want you to feel like you have to play host whenever I am here," he says to you gently. You think about his words and now that you think about it, you can see what he's saying. Whenever he's over you're always rushing around trying to serve him and make him comfortable, rather than just let things be how they will.

"You know what," you say and step out of the bathroom slowly, "you're right. Make your own breakfast." You hold a false serious face and watch as his eyebrows shoot up and a grin crawls across his face.

"Oh my," he chuckles, "grown a back bone have we?"

You roll you eyes and walk to your wardrobe and grab your shoes before sitting next to him. "Maybe," you wink and him before leaning slightly to slip your heels on.

You look at the clock on the wall as it reads 7:30AM. McGonagall isn't requiring you to be at her class until 8:55AM before class starts.

"So what's the situation on breakfast then," you clear your throat and look over to Severus. Your mind starts to race with all the things you can do in the time you have until leaving for class. He notices how your eyelids droop slightly as they scan him, a look he knows all too well being that he looks at you the same way quite often.

Truth is you didn't plan to do anything with Severus this morning but as time goes on you've become somewhat obsessed with the man and everything about him. The separation through this first week is going to be like hell. If he only knew how crazy you were for him it'd probably scare him off.

"Well," he starts, his voice low and quiet, "I'm not in the mood for bacon and eggs, if you're curious." His eyes study your face and he sees a slight blush start to creep up your neck. The corners of his lips twitch up slightly at the sight, he loves seeing you like this. All because of him, too.

Before you came along he thought he would be alone forever, never feel another's touch. For who would find the old potions master attractive. He's aware of how unapproachable he is, but still you wiggled your way in. A beautiful woman, full of life, thirsting for knowledge.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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