Chapter 3

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You have been nose deep in the Advanced Potions text book since Snape lent it to you. The last thing you want to do is show up to class next week unprepared. How embarrassing would that be?

You walk around your living room as you read the text to try and keep your body busy as well as your mind, it helps you think and remember what you're reading. You've read it while cooking, you've read it while cleaning, while bathing and even fell asleep with it before bed. You want to do good.

While in the middle of a page you hear a tapping on your window and look up to see an owl. Your brows knit together, not expecting any correspondence from anyone. You open the window and gently grab the letter from the small barn owl.

Miss L/N,

I wanted to check in and make myself available if you were to have any questions before classes resume next week. You know where to find me if you wish to discuss any material.


You smile at the note that's in your hands. "S, huh," you chuckle a feel an unfamiliar blush rise up your neck, and freeze. What? Why does this make me giddy, you think to yourself. He's just offering his help to make sure his class runs smoothly without a hitch. You push the giddiness down and opt to remain professional.

"Hold on buddy I have something for you," you tell the owl and grab a piece of parchment and a quill.

Professor Snape,

Believe it or not I'm almost finished reading the book. Your notes along the margins has helped tremendously with clearing up any question I could have.Thorough, as always.

I do think there are a few things that we should discuss before classes start, though.

Please let me know when you become available to sit down and speak with me. I'll come to you.

-Y/N :)

You finish your letter off with a little smiley face so you don't come off too demanding.

Sure you know that you're more than likely be spending most of my time with Snape but you're not sitting with the students. You'll need a desk or a work area of my own.

You feel like the conversation could go either way. You don't want to be demanding but you also need to realize you're not a student, you are faculty and it's within your rights to request what's needed to complete your work.


Y/N's letter put a grin to Snape's face. He hardly ever received praise for his teaching, especially from students. It makes him think that his time here isn't wasted. Perhaps teaching here is more than an act of penance for his wrongdoings.

Oh but if she knew what her mentor was.

Even if his evil is only in the past, would she still admire his work as such? Would she still be honored to work under him? A sneer crosses his face at his own self-disgust.

He shakes the thought from his head and folds her letter, placing it in the desk drawer. He contemplates writing her back.

Severus sat for awhile in his office, flipping through books, building lesson plans for the pesky students that will fill the castle next week, but his mind keeps trailing back to her and it's infuriating. He set his quill down and looked to the clock. It's been almost an hour. Running his hands over his face, he tries uselessly to clear his mind.

Frustratingly, he grabs a new piece of parchment and scribbles her a reply.

Miss L/N

My office. 15 minutes.

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