Chapter 22

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Needless to say, you'll be assisting McGonagall as planned. You had no doubt in your mind that he'd allow it, but still the role play was fun. And you quite liked him so dominant and controlling.

After repairing your leggings Severus sent you on your way, promising to stop by your rooms again this evening after dinner.

Severus claimed he had a few things to attend to but you don't mind. After the troll fiasco, you've decided that you won't question his time away from you. Clearly it's of importance to Dumbledore.

We mustn't have a traitor in our midst.


His time with Y/N briefly took his mind off of more devious matters that he is attending to.

Last night, there was a nearly successful attempt on the sorcerer's stone. Dumbledore and Severus were correct in assuming that Quirrell had interest in stealing it.

"Where is he," Severus stands still in the headmaster's office and watches as Dumbledore fawns over his phoenix. "Burnt to a crisp," he chirps as if telling him this was as normal as telling him the sky was blue.

"What do you mean burnt to a crisp," Snape asks him trying to hide his shock. "The young Harry Potter had found him in front of the Mirror of Erised. Quirrell nearly obtained the stone, however he burst into flames before he could retrieve it," Dumbledore explains to him and he's nothing but confused.

"But how-," he goes to ask but he cuts Severus off. "It is unknown at this time what caused this. But it is most curious, indeed," Dumbledore states in finality.

While his loyalty and trust lies with Albus, Severus can't help but feel Albus keeping something from him. Surely he wouldn't keep the return of the dark lord from his knowing, considering he was a double agent for him all those years ago.

"Albus," Severus says his name seriously, "I would expect to be told if you believe the dark lord is to return. My years of loyalty should, at the very least, grant me a warning." Dumbledore is still and quiet for a moment, seemingly lost in thought.

"We are safe, however we must pay attention to the signs," is all he says before turning to his desk, beginning to work on something.

Severus stares at the old man for a moment or so before he takes his leave from his office. The once peaceful corridor now presents itself as a malicious entryway into the school, one that he thought would never be a danger. He can't shake the sickening feeling that this isn't over, that Dumbledore is hiding something from him. Never once has his trust in him wavered, until now.

Look out for the signs, they're already here! Burning and pricking Severus' arm! Is that not a sign enough? He takes a deep breath and calms himself as hr approaches a more crowded area of the castle.

"Severus!" He hears Minerva call to him from across the hall. He quickly turns his attention to her as her voice sounds urgent. "Over here, away from prying ears," she says lowly and directs them to a far wall off to the side of the hall.

"Did you hear about Quirrell," she asks Severus, leaning in close to him and keeping her eyes on the students wandering around. "Yes I was just informed. Burst into flames, terrible way to go," he says unenthusiastically.

"And potter," her voice raising it pitch when speaking of the boy. "And potter," he repeats, "following in the footsteps of his father, no doubt, always getting in the middle of trouble. First the troll, now this."

He finds himself becoming increasingly angrier as he thinks about James Potter and his need for causing trouble, he almost didn't catch what Minerva said.

"He confided in me and told me that Quirrell had a face on the back of his head," Severus hears her whisper and his body immediately responds in panic. He takes a deep breath in and feel like the world stopped turning in the worst way possible. "A what," he ask her just to clarify. Surly he's mistaken.

"He said here was a face on the back of quirrell's head. Under the turban," she repeats herself then looks up to him. "Severus, I fear the worst," she tells him and lays a hand on his arm, making him jump.

"I've felt," Severus starts, staring off into the distance while his brain desperately tries to find the words to express how he feels in this moment. "I've felt tingling and burning and pricking," he manages to get out and he see what little expression that remained on her face, fall.

"We can't be sure," she says trying her best to comfort him.

"Albus is hiding something. He won't be clear with me when he speaks. Everything he says can be left to the wind." Minerva shakes her head sadly, "who knows what goes through his mind. But I trust him to tell us if you-know-who has returned. It would be stupid to not inform us, don't you think," she asks, concern lacing her voice.

"One would think, hm," he tells her.

One question he still has is if Minerva knows about what potter saw, and Albus knows as well, why didn't Albus inform Severus?

They're interrupted when the Weasley twins dart in front of them, shouting, obviously off to cause trouble somewhere. He thanks whoever is in charge of this universe that they are not in his house. He gives Minerva a look before she starts off down the hallway towards them. "MR. FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY," she shouts at them but they appear to be long gone before she can catch up.

Severus turns on his heel and starts making his way down to Y/N's. Despite your rocky start, you seem to be the only person who can take his mind off of his woes.

"Come in," he hears you shout from behind the door. He turns the handle and steps in, "good evening," Severus greets you and hangs his cloak on a hook by the door.

"Severus! Hey I didn't expect you so soon," you walk over to him and wrap your arms around his torso. He doesn't think he'll ever get used to such a constant, kind gesture. He doesn't deserve it after how he had treated you.

"I finished my work early, I hope it's alright that I'm here sooner rather than later," he wraps his arms around you and lightly rubs your back, soaking in the comfort of your embrace.

It looks like you had been cleaning when he arrived. Your clothes don't match, your hair isn't done up, but you look effortlessly beautiful. "I'm fine with it as long as you want to watch me clean. There is an insane amount of dust in here," you put your hands on your hips and turns back to face your living area.

"I should've just gotten it all done when the place was empty when I moved in, but who wants to clean after traveling," you huff out a chuckle and walk back over to the window at the back of the room, dusting.

"I have a spell for this, you know," Severus slowly walks deeper into your living room and looks at the amazing progress you've made thus far.

"Yeah I'm sure you do, but I needed to pass time and," you pause and shrug, "it feels good to physically do it. I find it more gratifying." He nods his head although he knows you doesn't see him. Severus walks around the perimeter and looks at the lush plants that hang on the walls and ceiling.

"Have you watered your plants recently," he asks you over his shoulder. "No not yet, I was going to in a little bit."

He grabs his wand and starts to gently water your plants, making sure not to over do it.

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