My Fair Maiden- Morgan Pendragon

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The castle of Pendragon was alight with commotion as people flocked from all over Britain to present their problems to the only one who would hear them, even if it were a woman, the Lady Morgan at least granted an audience unlike their new young kIng.

The twentieth person of the day had just been and gone, quickly dismissed by the woman who sat atop a throned dais. That last person had been about the seventh person to come complaining about some dispute with their neighbour, apparently chickens were a common thing to fight over.

Morgan had had it almost up to here, she knew that this was something she had to do if she wished to gain favour with the people of Britain but she hadn't anticipated it to be so bloody boring.

If one more person came waltzing into the hall with a complaint about another neighbour or animal then the brunette royal was convinced she'd storm out of the room from being driven mad by all these people.

"My lady," Vivien, one of the Lady's servants, whispered into Morgan's ear, "There's another guest here with a matter to present, may I allow them in?" Vivien asked in a hushed voice.

almost sinking further into her seat Morgan tried to take a deep breath in before answering, "Yes, yes let them enter," She spoke whilst waving her hand dismissively at her closest servant.

The grand doors to the meeting hall opened up soon after Morgan had given her permission for the person to enter. Yet as soon as Morgan caught site of the person that walked in, her demeanour very quickly shifted and she was soon sitting up straight, a faint and almost sly smile gracing her lips, as she sat forward in her seat.

Gracefully walking into the hall of Pendragon Castle, their silhouette being illuminated further by the fire that burnt brightly off to the side of the room, a woman stepped a few feet away from the foot of the dais.

Upon a first look Morgan could see that this woman had beautiful golden copper locks and was of great beauty, a greater beauty than the brunette had ever seen before.

Then the woman with golden hair, who wore a gown of nicely sewn green and blue, Looked up at the woman who sat before her and began to speak.

"My Lady I am grateful you have honoured me with an audience," The woman's voice was like dripping honey holding a sweetness that contained the subtle strength and sting of the bee.

Upon hearing her words, Morgan wordlessly gestured the woman dressed in green to step closer forward to her and like an obedient subject the young woman did exactly as she was directed to.

Yet the woman not only stepped forward but instead let her legs give way beneath her and allowed her body to fall to her knees in front of the Pendragon royal.

"What is it you have come to tell me?" Morgan asked her interest only growing more and more by each passing minute that this woman stayed with her presence for, and she was now all to eager to hear more of the beauties voice, as she sat forward in her seat with anticipation.

The woman who knelt before Morgan le Fay looked up and met the blue sky eyes of her lady. "I have not come to tell you anything my Lady but instead I have come to offer you something." The woman's voice still held the same tone as before but only it was different in some way, a way Morgan couldn't quite place.

Upon hearing the beauties words Morgan's interest had become thoroughly peaked and she leant forward towards the woman, her hand resting on the arm of throne like chair, "And what is you have come to offer," Morgan asked her voice dripping with eagerness.

"Myself my lady." And then the entire room went quiet and everyone was stunned into silence at the strange woman's words and Morgan only sat there. Her face now moulded into an expression of confusion but also intrigue, she was certainly caught aback by this statement but that didn't stop her from wanting to hear more.

"my name is Emmery, Lady of the North, and I've come today to offer myself to you, in an alliance that will benefit both ourselves, our people and this land, if you will have me my Lady." Emmery's voice held the conviction and strength of any leader and as she finished her short speech, from her position knelt in front of Lady Morgan she gave a courteous bow.

Morgan was stunned into silence at the declaration she had just heard and it seemed that many of those encompassing the hall were conflicted with their own opinions, some disgusted, some agreeing and others waiting for Morgan to decided.

A minutes silence passed, no one spoke nor made a noise and Emmery still kept her head held down and gaze focusing on the floor as she waited, worry began to pool in her stomach.

Then the noise of movement became known and it was Morgan descending the few stairs that lead to the Lady of the North. Once she reached the last step, the Lady Pendragon knelt down and brought her hand up to catch her thumb and forefinger between Emmery's chin and with a light force she made the woman look up at her.

Morgan then proceeded to search the woman's face, her own giving away nothing, she searched her green eyes, and then Morgan's own blue ones fell to Emmery's soft pink lips and wandered there for a moment.

Then Morgan had made her decision and decided to seal it in her own special way, leaning in her eyes not leaving that of Emmery's until they closed when rouge tinted lips met soft pink ones in a gentle but firm kiss, a kiss of confirmation, a kiss of affirmation and as Morgan stood she brought Emmery with her.

Their lips still connected and dancing to their own unique melody and Morgan had to hold back from taking this woman here and now but it was clear to everyone that Morgan's answer was a strong yes.
Hey everyone, this was great fun to write, I hope you all enjoyed it, I loved writing for Morgan. Until next time fellow readers.

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