Im already gone- Vanessa Ives

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Apologies in advance.
I listened to: Already gone whilst writing this.
I'd gone with them to save her, actually I'd been the first out of the door. Blind sighted and plan less but I had to save her, I had to save Vanessa, I loved her.

She thought I was dead, for an entire month she'd thought I was dead. For a while I thought I was to, after the events at the Nightwalker's home I'd appeared dead apparently according to Ethan and Sir Malcolm I'd been tortured to death.

Vanessa thought this too, that's why she'd fallen into the arms of another. Yet I hadn't been dead just in a constant state of sleep like death.

That's how my body had healed itself, by shutting down completely and restarting, something I hadn't known a witch could do but I was grateful for it.

I'd only woken up hours ago and very quickly, in a state of shock, Ethan had explained everything that had happened and what was currently happening.

He'd succeeded, Dracula, he'd made Vanessa the Mother of Evil and now the world was at the brink of the apocalypse and humanity was all but doomed. That's when it was my turn to be shocked and quite frankly frightened.

We'd dealt with vampires and Nightwalkers before but the apocalypse was something beyond our experience and quite frankly our comprehension.

But I didn't care about the end of the world or that humanity may be experiencing its final days. All I cared about was saving Vanessa from the teeth of Dracula, I couldn't let him take her from me, I wouldn't allow it.

I only needed to hear the words of where we'd find him from Kat and I was sprinting out of the manor and into the pestilence infected air of London.

The air didn't affect me thankfully, due to my biological differences as a strand of witch, I was protected from the sickness and so I walked through, almost running. The only thought in my head was Vanessa, my Vanessa.

I'd made it to the place Kat had described as Dracula's lair and I knew the others weren't far behind, if I focussed my hearing enough I could hear the distant sound of their feet meeting the cobblestones.

The place was dark and filthy and the stench was horrid and I wondered what barbarians I would encounter here.

Eventually everyone else had caught up and were now here and quickly we were being attacked by the night creatures.

I wanted to get away, to run down the corridor I could sense Van was down but I was being assaulted left and right by these creatures of the night and even as I tried with all my energy and abilities to clear a path through, I couldn't.

The fighting continued and I tried as best as I could to keep myself and my friends safe but I barely had enough magic to serve myself after waking up, let alone so many other people.

Somehow, in a way I wasn't certain what had happened, the fighting stopped and we were surrounded by the dead bodies of Dracula's creatures but when I looked around to check that we were all still alive, Ethan wasn't there.

Then I began to panic, had they killed him? Was he still alive? but then my questions were silenced when I saw him walking out from the shadows.

I knew something was wrong immediately, I saw how his shoulders were slumped and how his face was utterly tear stained and face vacant.

A fear I'd never experienced before began to consume me as I asked, "Ethan, what happened?" And now I knew I didn't want to know the answer.

He didn't answer, "Ethan what happened!?" I shouted at him and then his eyes met mine and I knew what had happened.

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