10: Like a Fever~

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*back to the present*

Hyunjin walked to school alone the next morning, Seungmin had already left. Once he arrived at class, he plopped down into his seat angrily.

"Couldn't you have waited for me, you-woah," Hyunjin paused, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Seungmin asked. His face was flushed, and slightly gleaming with sweat. His hair hung damply in front of his eyes, which were drooping.

"You look feverish, " Hyunjin said, holding up a hand to feel Seungmin's forehead. The shorter smacked it away.

"I'm fine, what kind of a loser gets a fever during the winter?" He muttered, wiping the back of his neck.

"Attention class!" The teacher called, making Hyunjin sigh. Opening his notebook, he glanced at Seungmin again. The boy glared forward in response.


Seungmin stumbled through the hallway, clutching the strap of his bag tightly. His head was pounding, and his skin felt slick with sweat. He could faintly hear someone calling his name.

"Lunch...lunch is n...next...lun-" He gasped breathily, his legs collapsing under him. The last thing he felt, was a pair of cool hands pressed to his hot neck. Going limp, he closed his eyes.


Seungmin awoke to the dimmed lights of his apartment. 

"Hmm?" He murmured, sitting up. As he did, a damp cloth fell from his forehead. He felt disgusting and way too warm. 

"Oh, you're awake."

Seungmin looked over to see Hyunjin standing in the doorway, holding a stack of towels and a bottle of water. 

"Here, let me wipe your face for you," Hyunjin said, stepping closer. 

Seungmin stood up to protest, but his legs buckled and he nearly fell. Hyunjin sighed, setting the items he was holding on a nearby surface and walking over to where Seungmin leaned on the counter.

"Wha-?!" Seungmin gaped, as Hyunjin scooped him into his arms.

Bridal style.

Seungmin wrapped his arms instinctively around Hyunjin's shoulders.

"P-Put me down!" He stammered, his already flushed face turning even more red.

"You can't even stand, how do you expect yourself to walk like a normal person?" Hyunjin said dryly, slowly making his way back to the bed. Carefully lowering the younger down, he took a seat on the edge of the bed.

"How did I get back home?" Seungmin asked, fanning his face furiously.

"Ah that..." Hyunjin trailed off, scratching the back of his neck, "I carried you."

"In front of everyone?" Seungmin groaned, burying his head in his hands.

"Yeah, but you've been sleeping for a couple hours, so school's already over," Hyunjin explained, shrugging. He picked up the water bottle and handed it to the other.

"Oh...thanks," Seungmin replied, taking several long sips. Each time he lifted the bottle to his lips, Hyunjin's eyes traveled down to the smooth column of his throat.

Clearing his throat, Hyunjin grabbed a bowl of water and a towel, "Here, I'll help you wipe off."

Approaching the left side of the bed, he leaned towards the center, placing his hand on the right side of Seungmin. Hyunjin held the towel to Seungmin's forehead, pushing his bangs out of the way.

"You must've gotten a virus in your body somewhere from being around so many people last night," He said, tucking stray strands of hair behind the younger's ears.

"Mmm," Seungmin hummed, his focus narrowed on the dripping towel pressed to the side of his face. "Feels nice," He murmured, leaning into the older's touch.

Hyunjin swallowed thickly, freezing in place. After a few long seconds, he moved slowly.


Five Minutes Later...

"You should get some sleep," Hyunjin said, closing the door after him.

Seungmin leaned back into the pillows, letting out a long breath. He was blushing.



Hyunjin buried his hands in his hair, sighing.

"He really doesn't remember, does he?" He whispered, a sharp pain shooting through his chest. "It's okay, I'll stay with him, no matter what. I don't care if he never remembers me. I can't have him go through that again."

Sorry for the short chapter TT

(P.S are you guys mad that I left that part out in the middle? Oh my, I wonder what happened >:))


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