18: Daisies

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Warm hands enclosed his eyes, only a sliver of light snaked through their fingers.

The faint sounds of leaves rustling, the sounds of people and cars fading.

"Can I open my eyes now?" Seungmin asked, crossing his arms.

Hyunjin laughed at the impatient boy, "Not yet, patience darling~" He teased.

Seungmin felt his face heat up at the pet name. But he continued following Hyunjin's murmured directions.

A light breeze caressed his face like a gentle kiss, ruffling his hair.

Only Hyunjin's voice brought him back down, "Ready? It might be a little bright."

Seungmin nodded, bringing his hands up to pry Hyunjin's fingers away from his face.

Carefully looking around, Seungmin gazed in awe at the scenery in front of him.

They were stood on a pale cliff, perched precariously over a field full of...


Bursting white petals, littered stems and those who had shed were flitting to the ground like fallen angels. Bright yellow faces beamed from the center of each flower, occasionally a resting place for a passing butterfly or bee.

Green leaves raised their hands towards the sun, a proud crown of emerald.

Above them, the sky was painted a lush blue, children made of clouds dancing across the cerulean canvas.

Seungmin only stared, letting the wind brushing his eyelashes, dusting over his cheeks.

"Beautiful," He managed, his mouth parting slightly.

Hyunjin smiled down at him, "It really is."

The older led Seungmin to a flight of rickety wooden spiral steps that led down to the plain. Hyunjin carefully held Seungmin's hand as they descended the steps.

They must have portrayed a gorgeous sight, two princes side by side, for the daisies seemed to bow their delicate heads.

Seungmin was still looking at the landscape, whilst Hyunjin only had eyes for the other.

Once they reached the bottom of the steps, Hyunjin tugged Seungmin forward suddenly.

The younger stumbled slightly, before running to catch up with Hyunjin, who was sprinting.

The wind filtered through their dark hair, running cool fingers over their shoulders and necks. 

Together they ran for what seemed like ages, it was only them in the world, no one else.

Eventually Seungmin stopped, panting and resting his hands on his knees, "When did you find this place? We live in the middle of a goddamn city."

Hyunjin shrugged, plopping down dramatically on the grass, "Do you remember when you had that fever a while ago?"

Seungmin furrowed his brow, not sure where this was going, "Yeah?"

"I stumbled on this place while I was looking for a pharmacy," Hyunjin said, cover his eyes with the back of his hand to protect them from the sun's burning rays, "you will NOT believe how hard it is to fucking find a normal building here."

Seungmin huffed, a short laugh. Shaking his head.

"Come lay down," Hyunjin comanded, patting the space next to him.

Usually Seungmin would be worried about having to wash the grass stains out of his clothes later, but for some reason, he sprawled on the ground without any hesitation.

Daisies~SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now