22: Morning~

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Seungmin stood as still as a statue in the bathroom, face hot.

Hyunjin stood in front of him, in the middle of stripping.

How the fuck did it lead to this?


10 minutes earlier


Hyunjin accidentally woke the younger up by shifting in the bed.

"Mmmmm~" Seungmin mumbled, blinking sleepily.

Hyunjin's heart twisted at the other's bed head, "Good morning darling~"

Seungmin hit his arm lightly, "Shut up."

Hyunjin pouted, wrapping his arms tighter around Seungmin's waist, "Meanie."

"I am not a meanie," Seungmin said, rolling his eyes.

Hyunjin buried his head in the shorter's neck, "Are too." He placed a soft kiss on Seungmin's shoulder.

"What are you doing now?" Seungmin sighed, ignoring the leaps his heart was doing inside his chest.

Hyunjin snuggled closer, "Hugging my favorite person on this earth."

Seungmin squirmed, "I need to get ready for school."

"Dummy, it's Saturday."

Seungmin gasped in mock anger, "How dare you, I am not a dummy."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Shut up!" Seungmin huffed.

Hyunjin smirked, "Make me."

Seungmin twisted around, facing Hyunjin directly. Cupping the older's face in his hands, he pressed a quick kiss against his lips.

Hyunjin made a small noise of shock, before leaning back and connecting their lips again. Their mouths danced around each other.

Seungmin could feel his body light on fire, and he blushed furiously.

When they finally broke away from each other, a thin string of saliva hung between their lips.

"Hah...Hyunjin-" Seungmin panted, his voice trailing off as he felt the older press a kiss at the corner of his lips. Then his cheek, jaw, until he reached the crook of Seungmin's neck.

Hyunjin placed an open mouth kiss, on the shorter's collarbones, succeeding in making the other shiver. He nipped gently at the spot, soothing the pain by pressing his tongue against Seungmin's skin. He made his way across the younger's neck the same way.

"W-wait...we shouldn't...ah-" Seungmin was interrupted by Hyunjin threading his fingers through the shorter's hair and tugging his head backwards, carefully. The movement allowed Hyunjin more access to Seungmin's neck.

The older pressed a sweet kiss on the center of the younger's throat, before capturing his lips again.

Seungmin sighed against their lips, melting into Hyunjin's arms. His face was so flushed, he thought it would catch on fire. He placed his hands on Hyunjin chest and pushed him away, unable to look him in the eyes.

"Uh...I'm g-gonna go take...a shower," He stuttered, shooting off the bed and hurriedly making his way towards the bathroom.

Hyunjin stretched lazily, "Mind if I join you?"

Seungmin froze.



(~'3')~ <3

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