19: Finally

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Seungmin nearly skipped into class the next day, evoking several strange stares from his classmates.

"What the hell is up with him?"

"The fuck."

"Is he on drugs?"

"Is Kim Seungmin, SMILING?!"

"I'm definitely not awake yet."

"We're all gonna die, nice knowing ya'll."

Jisung and Minho approached Seungmin with wary expressions, treating him like he was a ticking time bomb that would go off at the slightest touch.

"Hey guys," Seungmin grinned, waving enthusiastically.

Jisung clutched his chest dramatically, "What have you done to my Seungminnie?! Give him back!"

Seungmin rolled his eyes, "Bitch it's me."

"Ah," Jisung calmed down, "that's more like it."

Minho snorted, earning him a glare from his boyfriend.

Seungmin clapped his hands together, "Guess what!"

"What," Jisung sighed.

"I kissed Hyunjin."

Jisung choked, coughing violently. Minho immediately patted his back, a concerned look on his face.

"YOU WHAT?!" The former shouted, drawing the attention of the teacher who had just entered the room.

"BOYS," She snapped, giving them a reprimanding scowl, "is there an issue?"

Jisung and Minho straightened, bowing.

"No ma'am," they said repectfully.

The teacher sniffed, before taking a seat at her desk and beginning the class.

The entire lecture, Jisung fired bullets from his eyes, into Seungmin's head.

Once the bell rang, Seungmin made a beeline for the door to avoid the older. He only made it as far as his locker, before the back of his collar was grabbed from behind.

"DETAILS. SPILL. NOW." Jisung demanded, whipping Seungmin around.

Raising his hands in defeat, the younger dialed his passcode into his locker, "Fine, it all started when I-"

He was cut off, when a sprinkle of pearly white petals showered the floor.

Jisung peeked over his shoulder and let out a comically loud gasp.

Seungmin's locker was stuffed full of daisies. Each one in full bloom, their soft scents drifting into the bright school hallway. Amidst the pile of flowers, lay a cream coloured box.

Small, with a soft yellow ribbon tied in a graceful bow.

"Open it," Jisung commanded, pushing Seungmin forward.

With hands shaking from anticipation, the latter carefully unknotted the bow and flipped open the gift.

A small ring sat in the velvety box.

It was a simple design, like a miniature white flower crown.

Seungmin slipped on the smoothly gilded circlet around his right ring finger and admired it.

"Who's it from?" Jisung asked, impatiently.

Seungmin blinked innocently, "I have no idea."

"Asshole," Jisung seethed, pouting. 

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