11: Scent

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Seungmin woke up to sunshine streaming through his window, as if mocking his sick condition. Dragging himself to the door, he peeked around it.

"Good morning," A voice sang, startling the recently risen boy.

"What are you still doing here?" He asked, pointing at a grinning Hyunjin.

"The teachers are holding a meeting, so we have the day off," He explained, "I made breakfast!" 

Seungmin stared at the proud expression on the other's face.

So annoying.

Still, he took a seat at the table and pulled the bowl close to him. It was chicken soup.

"It's the chicken I promised to buy you two days ago," Hyunjin said, crossing his arms expectantly.

"Took you long enough," Seungmin deadpanned, raising the spoon to his lips hesitantly. He took a small sip, flavors bursting on his tongue. He coughed slightly, swallowing painfully.

"Oh...is it not good?" Hyunjin asked, wilting. Seungmin shook his head fervently.

"No-t-that's not i-it," He choked, "it b-burns."

Hyunjin's mouth formed a small 'o', and he went to fetch a glass of water.

"Sorry," He apologized, bowing his head, "I forgot to tell you that it was right off the stove."

Seungmin downed the water in one gulp, "Well remember next time," He said, glaring at the older.

Hyunjin nodded, his ears burning red.

"Here," Hyunjin said, holding out a bundle of cloth, "go take a shower, it'll help your fever."

Seungmin snatched the clothes from his grip and quickly finished the soup without burning himself again. Before Hyunjin could get out another word, the younger had already shut the door to the bathroom.


Seungmin stepped out of the bathroom, lightly rubbing his head dry with a towel.

"Hey Hyunjin." 


"These aren't my clothes."

"I know."


Hyunjin held up his hands defensively, "I didn't have time to do the laundry!"

Seungmin huffed, plopping down angrily on the couch.

"Hey," Hyunjin began, walking over to the younger, "you should dry your hair properly." Carefully taking the towel in his hands, Hyunjin ruffled Seungmin's hair, shaking wet droplets off.

"You know what?" Seungmin seethed, "I'm done."

Hyunjin blinked, confused, the semi-wet towel still clutched in his hands.

"I'm done," The younger repeated, "I barely even know you!"

"But I know you better than anyone else," Hyunjin whispered, but the other didn't hear him.

"We met, MAYBE two days ago?!" Seungmin scoffed, "But now you're living in my house, and talking to me like a friend. We are not friends, okay? You keep on acting as though we've known each other for years, but you know what? I hate you."

Hyunjin looked away.

"You're so annoying," The shorter continued, "ordering me around all the time. Always underfoot, like a sad little puppy that wants attention."

Hyunjin only nodded, a sad smile spreading across his face, "I know. But you're tired, and I'm tired. So let's just rest by ourselves for a bit, okay?"

Seungmin deflated, already regretting the things he'd said.


"Seungmin," Hyunjin sighed, running a hand through his hair, "I'm tired." And with that, he tugged on his coat and left. He was gone.


Seungmin's breathing increased rapidly, his eyes darting back and forth.

"Ah," He panted, lights flashing behind his eyes.

A quiet familiar voice echoed in his ears.

"It's okay...you're okay...you're okay..." 

He gasped, his mind flooding with shadows and the faint memory of someone speaking with their hand next to his face. Taking deep breaths, Seungmin slowly gained awareness of his surroundings once more. Burying his face in the hoodie he was wearing, he inhaled the soft sweet scent. It was strangely comforting to the boy, and he curled up on the couch. After a minute or two, he'd fallen asleep.


"Hey, wake up."

Seungmin opened his eyes groggily, still drowsy from his dreams. Hyunjin stood in front of him, holding a plastic bag in his right hand, an unreadable expression on his face.

Seungmin hummed, sitting up right. He groaned a little when his bones came out of their stiff position.

"I got you medicine for your fever," Hyunjin said, removing the cap from a small orange bottle. Dumping two pills into his hand, he grabbed a glass of water.

Hesitantly, Seungmin took the medicine, staring at it.

"Here," Hyunjin tugged on the younger's chin, pulling his mouth open. He placed the one of the pills onto his tongue and raised the glass to his lips. Seungmin drank slowly, tilting his head back to swallow the little tablet. They repeated the process with the other pill.

Seungmin grimaced slightly, "So bitter," He spat.

Hyunjin shrugged, "It's not that bad."

The two sat in silence, as they tried to ignore the event that happened before.



They looked at each other. 

"You first," Hyunjin said.

"Oh, okay," Seungmin said, surprised.

He took several deep breaths.

"I think..." He muttered, "..........." 

Hyunjin leaned forward, not quite catching the last part.

"I-I said I t-think..." Seungmin started again, his voice equally as quiet as before, "I think y-your clothes s-smell nice."

Hyunjin only raised an eyebrow, "And why were you smelling my clothes."

"W-Well," Seungmin said hurriedly, flushing bright pink, "I'm wearing them...and you know...I mean-"

"It's fine, you can keep the hoodie," Hyunjin interrupted, waving his hand vaguely in the other's direction.

"Oh, okay."

"I am curious though," Hyunjin added, "what exactly do I smell like?"

Seungmin thought for a while, bringing his sleeve up to his nose. The older had an odd expression on his face, a mix of hope and sadness.



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