Hangover cure

693 13 9

December 20th

Slowly waking up, my vision blurry I look around the bedroom. This isn't my room, did I stay the night at Wilbur's house? I should get going, I don't want to overstay my welcome after all it was just a one night stand. First I'll have to find my clothes. Throwing the blanket that was covering me off I take a moment to process what's on my body.

Lots and lots of hickeys. Same with bite marks, holding up my hands I notice that my wrists are still pink from last night. That's on me for being kinky I guess. Whatever I'll get dressed then leave, I can just call a uber. Slowly getting off of the bed as not to hurt myself, it kinda hurts to walk now. I guess it means that last night was really as fun as I remember and it wasn't just me being drunk. Walking towards the desk with a laptop atop it I grab my clothes from the desk chair.

My wallet, phone and everything else that was in my pockets on the desk with a paper underneath them. "Did Wilbur leave a note after our hookup?" I question and pick it up, the letter was just him telling me make myself at home and he didn't take any of my shit but he did charge my phone which is nice of him. Along with washing my clothes? Oh right- I spilled a beer on to the two of us. What a fucking dumbass I am. Whatever I'll just get dressed then leave! Though I am going to check my phone for notifications, incase Karlos or Sap texted.

Opening up my phone only to show, instagram and other social media notifications. Oh but one is Karl's story! Opening up my instagram to take a look at it, I remember why I was at the bar last night. Karl's parents took Karl and Sapnap on a vacation to a ski resort. It's the fucking end of December, I mean it's not like we were going to do christmas shopping. We're adults. But now I'm here lonely. At least I have hookups and one night stands with some bar visits to keep me busy!

Pulling my black button up shirt onto my arms and buttoning it up before grabbing my jeans and boxers as I slowly and tiredly get dressed. I hate mornings, especially with my hang over. Holy fucking shit, my head is killing me. Grabbing my leather jacket and my personal items I exist Wilbur's bedroom to only see that this house looks a lot more like a family home than I remember from last night.

Going down the hall and entering an open spaced Kitchen-Living room area spotting a calendar, "Hm?" I hate to pry but my curiosity took over as i walked over to the calendar. "Pick up the kids from Sal's? He has a ex, and kids!?" I exclaim looking at the calendar. I was fucked by a mother fucking dilf! Of course, like always my type in men continues to surprise me.

Next to the calendar was a reminder list, I shouldn't pry anymore and should just get going but I can't help but want to look. Just a quick glance at the list then I call my uber and way home. The reminders are pretty basic, "Get Fundy's T levels checked, help Tommy pick out a gift for his friend? Aw he's a really sweet dad." I mumble to myself and pull my phone back out to see a text message from Karl!

"Hey Q! Me and Sap wanted to let you know we love you and we're sorry we won't be there for new years or christmas." I read Karl's text aloud, "It's no problem, though I'm sure that Sapnap's clingy parents miss him!" I text back with a heart emoji. I love Sapnap and Karl but Karl's family hates me and I curse too much for Sapnap's Dad. Hearing a door unlock and open, looking towards the front door it's Wilbur and two kids besides him.

"Oh I'm sorry I was going to leave—" "No I'm sorry, I didn't warn you that my sons were going to coming back with me!" Wilbur interrupts me walking over as the two kids scamper away. The ginger haired one to the living room area grabbing a box with a handle and the blonde going upstairs, "Your kids seem err nice?" I mumble unsure on what to say. Wilbur smiles and nods.

"The blonde one is Tommy, he's my eldest and Fundy is the ginger haired one." I nod as Wilbur looks at me with a look of worry? "Hey are you alright? You seem upset." He holds out his hand before gently rubbing my arm. No I'm not alright, my boyfriends are out of the fucking state and I'm alone! "Yep, just hungover and I'm not a morning person." I respond to Wilbur who chuckles. "I have become a morning person after my kids, they're both early risers." He says with a big smile.

"I can make you a hangover cure?" He offers, as much as I feel like I've overstayed my welcome he's being really nice and I can't deny a hangover cure. I nod and smile as he walks towards the kitchen and grabbing the ingredients for a hangover. Sitting on-top of the counter I watch as he does it quickly and with ease, "Your quick at this." I say as he nods "I've always been the parent friend of a old friend group so I'd be in charge of making hangover cures and when you have to make five to six, you get fast at it." He says and hands me the cure.

"Thanks!" I say shooting the cure and sighing, "I was going to head home, sorry that I stayed so long. Uh bye!" I say quickly trying to leave the kitchen, "Your welcome to come back anytime Quackity! Oh wait- can I give you my number? Even if we don't hook up, I don't mind being your emergency call." He says, what? "You want to keep in contact with me?" I ask turning towards him. He nods and holds out his hand, "Huh?" I hum and look at him.

"Your number?" He says holding out a sharpie in his other hand, "Oh okay!" I quickly exclaim and write down my number onto his hand. "It was nice to meet and well fuck you Quackity." He hums and grabs his phone from his pocket. Heh, "Yeah nice to meet you too. And uh thanks for the fun night~" I respond in a flirty tone and exist his house. He lives in quite a suburban area huh. Grabbing my phone and getting a uber called to his house. 

Word count: 1122

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