The kids

241 7 2

December 26th

We ran to the door, opening it quickly as I hear Wilbur catch his breath with a gasp and then crouch down to hug his kids. The two look so scared. "Quackity! You're here?" Tommy exclaimed then tilted his head, "Yep. I'm officially with Wilbur now." I say with a small smile then look back up to my dad. "You guys can go inside, I just wanna talk to my dad real quick." They all go inside as I stay outside and look up at my dad.

Quickly I hug onto him, "I'm sorry I wasn't in contact." He embraced me back, his warm and buff as fuck arms giving me a welcoming embrace. It reminded me of when I was little.

Flashback—Warning, lots of Spanish from google translate 😃

"Dad's home!" George shouted as we all ran towards the door, Dad picking up George on one arm then me on the other. "I missed you!" I exclaim and hug onto him tightly. George trying to bring him to show him something, mom was standing in the doorway between the entry and the rest of the house. Hermanita was in her arms, "hijo vete a tu cuarto." She snapped at me and I nodded, running out of the room. Of course I was curious so I stayed behind the door and listened to their conversation, so was George! But he was farther away from the door, not wanting to listen just waiting for dad.

"Sam." "Zaida—" "Don't Zaida me. Why did you take so long to come back from work? You said your shift would be over two hours ago." Why was mom so angry? "I had to help the guys with a disobeying guy who shot up a family Zaida, I have a job that requires me to stay back!" Dad yelled back. "They're arguing aren't they?" He whispered, I nod as he walks over and grabs my hand.

"Come on Q, you don't need to hear them—" the sound of a slap went over hermano mayor's voice. "Dad!" George yelped and ran into the entry. I looked in behind him and saw Dad standing there, him holding onto Hannah in a protective stance. "¿Papá?" I whimpered as Dad looked at me and George. "You're scaring the kids Zaida, please calm down." Dad says calmly and looks at mamá.

George looked up at dad, then grabbed hermanita from his arms and left the room, dragging me behind him. "George?" I whimpered, "Yeah Quackity?" He says looking over at me. "Why is mamá so angry at papá?" I ask as he goes completely silent, looking down at Hannah's face. There was red on her face? I saw George get angry, I don't understand what's going on?

"Zaida—" "I want a divorce Sam." Why is George crying? What's a divorce? Why is mamá so angry?

Flashback Over

"How much do you remember from before you left to live with your mom?" Dad asks, "I remember fighting, George crying and you protecting us? For some reason? Though I'm not sure, that's around the childhood amnesia age of course." He nods and ruffles my hair. "You became a smart person." I smugly smile up at him, "Always have been!" I say with a wide smile.

He just chuckled and nodded, "And who is Wilbur to you anyway Q?" He says crossing his arms. "He's... my boyfriend." I hesitate. I never came out to dad. Dad smiles, "Damn, Hannah is my only straight kid now." He says with a laugh. What?... "You're reacting different than I expected." I whisper. "I'm dating two guys Quackity, I'm bisexual and Polyamorous." Oh. OH. "I was in a poly relationship but it didn't really end well for me." I whisper and turn to go back inside, "Keep in contact with me, please Quackity."

"You got it dad." I say before entering and closing the door. "Quackity! Quackity!" Tommy yells running over to me and hugging onto me tightly, "Dad told us all about what happened!" He exclaims and hugs onto my leg very tightly. "Yeah?" I say and look up at Wilbur who has Fundy in his arms, sitting on the couch. "Come on, let's go over." I whisper and drag Tommy over to Wilbur and sit down next to him.

Tommy sits on my lap and snuggles between me and Wilbur, Fundy on Wilbur's lap, his face snuggled into Wilbur's neck. I can hear him crying into it, he was probably terrified. They both were. "You two were so brave, I knew that my boys were strong." Wilbur cries to them. "No no, you don't get to cry dad! We cried enough." Tommy says crossing his arms and giving Wilbur a look that's supposed to be serious, but it's just funny.

"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" I say and grab the remote turning on the tv, "yeah! Let's watch Moana!" Tommy exclaims, Fundy shakes his head "all we keep watching is Moana." He mumbles. "How about Fox and the hound?" I offer, the two look at me confused "It's a movie about a fox and dog, you like foxes right Fundy?" He nods. I smile and put on the movie as we all cuddle together on the couch.

This feels nice, like we're an actual family. But that's going too fast, I'm only dating Will! But I guess I don't mind taking care of the kids, or maybe living here. It's nice and cozy, besides I have the feeling that when I return to my house that my shit is going to be trashed because Karl's parents are dickheads. But I will have to return eventually, I can't keep stealing Wilbur's clothes or wearing repeats.

"I love you." I whisper to Wilbur and kiss his cheek, he does the same back to me. God he's hot but cute at the same time. "What about us?" Tommy asks, "Of course I love you two as well." I say and kiss Tommy's head. I feel like a parent but I enjoy it, it feels so nice to be welcomed and loved by a family. Mamá was always switching boyfriends but I did grow up speaking Spanish because I lived with her instead of dad. So that's a bonus!

Word count: 1026

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