Christmas Eve

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Christmas Eve

Bad got into town earlier than they told me with skeppy so Eyrn was picked up, Sapnap and Karl still out of state. Now I'm alone for Christmas Eve. Just great. Even if I knew I was going to be alone today, it doesn't mean it can't hurt. A lot... I've been sitting on the couch since Eyrn got picked up, our food poisoning went away in just a few days which was great but I'm still a little nauseous just thinking about eating. 

Zoning out staring at my ceiling in the empty house, complete silence with only my breathing making noise. Until my phone blurted with my ringtone, "Gah!" I shout falling off the couch and grab my phone. "Wilbur?" I question and answer the call, "Hi Will, is something up?" I say as I hear the kids being loud in the background.

"Uh not really, but I was wondering if you are going to be alone tonight if you'd like to stay the night?" Why would Wilbur ask me that- oh he's probably thinking I'll spend my night at a bar. He's not wrong but— "Quackity? You there?" Wilbur says, "oh uh yeah! Got lost in my thoughts and you're sure it'd be okay if I came over? Christmas is more of a family event." I grumble and stand up from the ground.

"Yeah! Sally takes the boys out for a Christmas Day lunch, but just us could hang out still." Wilbur responds, "Sure why not, I have nothing else to do today." I respond. "Great! Do you want to come over or should I get you?" He says in a jokingly flirty tone. He does get me and take me places quite a lot. "I'll take my car Heh." I exhale and end the call. Quickly running to my room to get my stuff packed, wait—

"I don't have anything for the kids- or Wilbur." I realize thinking out loud. Hitting myself in the forehead, I quickly continue to pack my bags. It's fine I'll just stop by a Walmart before I go over, and it'll be fine! A bag laying on top of my bed, fully packed for the night and morning. Throwing the bag over my shoulder, I quickly leave the house locking the doors. Now off to Walmart! Yay.

When he got to the Walmart

As I parked the car in the giant parking lot, desperately trying to think on what to get the kids. What had I seen of them in the last week or so I've know them? Locking my car and walking towards the doors of the huge store, my mind fought on what I should get. Looking around, there were a lot of people here for last minute shopping I guess. One person looked familiar to me, but I'm sure why. 

Entering the store and making a bee line for the kids area, my feet stop as I walk past the crafting aisles. "Fundy was doing a lot of art whenever I saw him." I mumble and enter the aisle,  I'm not going to get him one of those really bad but expensive art sets. I remember them being useless as a kid. I grab some canvas, paint brushes and a good assortment of paints. He should enjoy these, I hope. 

Existing the crafts aisle, I walk down to the toy aisle and wander looking for something for Tommy. I don't want to just get him a gift card or give him only some money, I try to remember back to the day at the park. He kept making references to some game, what fucking game though? I groan and smack my head before feeling someone brush up against me. "Sorry mate- you're kinda in the middle however." A blonde older male says, "Oh- No I'm sorry just trying to think on what to get my," fuck I have to think of something on the spot. "Step-son." I blurt out and walk out of that aisle.

Wait- fuck that was the aisle I need to be in! Tommy kept making Minecraft references! Quickly turning back around, I realize who I just ran into. I ran into the creator of Minecraft, but why was he in a Walmart? Wait- that could be the perfect gift! Turning on my heel, I run up to him. "Wait sir- are you Philza Minecraft? Like the creator?" I ask him, he looks at me and chuckles.

"Yep, why do you ask?" He says looking at me, "I was wondering if maybe I could get you to sign something as a gift. I'm not good with gift giving but I think that he'd actually fucking flip if I got an autograph from the creator of Minecraft. So will you?" I ask him and frantically grab a piece of Minecraft merchandise off the shelf.

"Well maybe not that, but you have the right idea. And of course I don't mind signing something." Philza says grabbing the merch in my hand and placing it back. He instead grabs a figure, instead of the plush I had grabbed. "Do you have a sharpie?" He asks me, "Oh uh yeah!" I blurt out and hand him a black sharpie. "The kid's name?" Phil asks as he writes on the figure, "Tommy—" "Wait Tommy as in Tommy soot?" Phil interrupts me.

Why does he know Tommy's last name. "Why?" I question him and stare at the creator, "My son has a kid named Tommy. He's letting me come by and say hello tonight." Phil explains. "If you want, you can help me surprise Tommy?" I offer now knowing he's not some creep who knows Tommy's last name but instead his fucking grandfather. This is great.

Quackity arrives at Wilbur's house just to hurry this up.

"Quackity!— oh hello." I hear Wilbur's tone drop as he spots Phil, "Your lucky I'm even letting you meet my kids Phil, I just don't want them to be completely without a grandfather figure." Wilbur says to Phil who stays silent. "Yeah I ran into your guest here- saying something about Tommy being a step-son?" Phil says looking at Wilbur, Wilbur goes slightly pink and looks at me. Why did I have to lie about Tommy being my step-son. "Ah just by dating Phil, I'm not married again." Wilbur says. Thank god he went along with my lie though.

"Tommy! Fundy! Living room!" Wilbur shouts as we enter the house behind him, we both head to the living room. "Is Quackity here!? I want to show him something I made!" I hear Tommy exclaim running down the stairs. He quickly pauses and stares at Phil in disbelief. Fundy arriving shortly behind his older brother, I think they only have a two or one year gap. The two could be twins if it wasn't for their hair colors.

"Tommy, Fundy meet my grandfather. Or as you might know him, Philza Minecraft." Wilbur says motioning to Phil, Tommy and Fundy don't move at all. The two's mouths just slightly agape. Tommy looks up at me, "Quackity you're here!" He says and hugs onto me. I thought he'd have a bigger reaction to their family member and not me. Fundy waves to Phil and goes over to Wilbur, the two exchanging some whispers.

"Fundy was wondering what was in the bags there Quackity heh." Wilbur says to me, "Christmas gifts doi!" I shout and hold the bag above my head so Tommy can't reach the bag. "I want to open them!" Tommy exclaimed and looks over at Wilbur, "We have a family tradition of opening one gift each before the morning." He explains and leads us to the Christmas tree in the living room neatly tucked into a corner.

A bunch of wrapped boxes or bags under the tree. "Go and pick your choices you two." Wilbur says as the two run to the tree and examine the boxes and bags, he walks over to me and Phil. "You can leave now Phil." Wilbur says in the deadest I've heard his voice be, "Mate wait—" "You don't get to just mate wait me!" Wilbur shouts at Phil. The two kids looking over at the two adults. Fuck the two are going to fight in front of Tommy and Fundy. The two adults in between of me and the kids started to fight louder and louder. I don't like it. Can just one of them shut the fuck up. My vision locked onto my shoes. Blanking out the screaming in front of me, all I can hear is yelling and arguments. This isn't good for the kid to see. Or hear. 

"Shut the fuck up!" I yell at them and stare at Wilbur then Philza. "You're fighting like a pair of kindergartners in front of your," I look over at Wilbur "kids. And your grandchildren." I say shooting a glance at Philza.  "I may not know what the fuck happened in either of your pasts but I do know one thing, fighting in front of kids only causes trauma! So shut the fuck up and act like the adults you are." I snap at them.  Wilbur looks at me, his face filled with sorrow. Phil's face only have it shock on it. 

"Quackity, can we go outside?" Tommy asks running over to me, Fundy holding his hand. "Yeah let's go out while these two figure out what the fuck to do with their lives." I say and leave the house holding the two kid's hands. Existing the house I see a red headed female in the driveway, "Mom?" the two kids say in sync. 

Word count: 1590

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