Christmas Festival

271 8 15

Art by me!!
Christmas Day

We enter the living room and find the kids playing together and Techno putting something on the TV, "Hey kids, after we open your presents do you want to go to the Christmas festival later?" Wilbur offers to them who both nod. I sit down on the couch as Wilbur watches the two open their presents, I kinda zone out not focusing on them.

I only zone back to find Wilbur sitting next to me on the couch now, "We're going to go out and get breakfast then come back and get ready for the town's festival, you want to join?" He offers. Hm. A breakfast with them then a festival? Eh sure why not, "Sure!" I reply. The kids exclaim something at the same time and run upstairs, "Let's go get dressed." Wilbur says dragging me upwards.

"Oh wow would you look at that." Wilbur says looking out his living room window, it was snowing. The first snow fall of winter, on Christmas Day. He looks at me then drags me into a room where the kids or Techno weren't, aka the kitchen just behind a wall. He held me against him and pulled me up to his face, giving me a gentle kiss on the lips. His hands and skin being so soft and warm, I just melt straight into his body when we release our kiss. "What was that.." I mumble into his chest.

"A first snow fall kiss!" He says with a smile, I hear the kids run down the stairs. I look over and see them fully dressed for the day. "Put your coats and snow gear boys, it's snowing." Wilbur orders the two. They groan and put on their coats, I chuckle and head into ou- I mean Wilbur's bedroom to get dressed into something that's not just pajamas.

After breakfast + Time skip to later that day (Instead of 8am to 6pm)

"Come on boys, festival time!" Wilbur says to them as the kids enter his car. I was about to when a sneeze caught me off guard, "Sorry I'm sensitive to the cold." I mumble. Wilbur looks at me, his dark brown trench coat nicely paired with a orangish yellow sweater underneath it. Meanwhile I'm in a black fully zipped up winter coat I stole from his house, so it's bigger than me. He gives a small chuckle and hands me his black gloves, "I don't get cold easily, you can have my gloves." He says and smiles before entering the driver seat.

Me following into the passenger seat, Wilbur put on Christmas music and started to drive to the festival. Tommy and Fundy singing along, Wilbur also doing so but I'm not a really good singer so I'll just stay quiet instead of getting embarrassed. "Have you ever been to the festival Quackity?" Wilbur asks looking at me for a second then his eyes darting back to the road, "Oh um not since I was a little kid, my abuela and abuelito had taken me one year." I respond.

I wonder how the festival is, I went with Abuela and Abuelito before Abuelito passed the following year. I miss my grandparents. Wilbur looked down slightly before popping back upwards, "Well then me and the boys will just have to show you have the soot family has fun!" He exclaims. Cute.

I chuckle, "I'm excited to see how you have fun at the festival." I whisper to Wilbur and move my hand slightly over to his, we started to turn into the festival grounds. The kids getting more and more excited, "Alright." Wilbur parked the car and turned to the kids. "Fundy and Tommy, if you two run off to go and play with the other kids here thats fine, but stick together and tell me if you're heading to the kids zone." The two boys nodded and held hands sticking them up into the air.

Existing the car, the others following my action. Wilbur leads us to the entrance, me besides him. The ticket booth was decorated just like the parking lot with snowflakes and lights all over it. It's beautiful, "Quackity, you want to be able to ride the rides?" I nod and Wilbur gets four bracelets handed to him, me and Wilbur getting our hands stamped because drinking! Wilbur brings us inside the festival gates, putting the bands on the kids. Wilbur crouches down to the two, "Now boys, make sure to stay close to me unless you tell me when you're running off." They nod as he gets back up onto his feet.

"What shall we do first boys?" He says as they run towards an assortment of rides and games to do, we follow just supervising them. Wilbur holding onto my hand as we wait for the kid's to get off a kid rollercoaster built to look like Santa's sled with reindeer on it. I look around and I fought I saw someone for a split second, someone I know but probably not, most of my friends aren't big holiday festival people. Unless there's alcohol. I friend too many drunks and addicts.

As the assortment of kids gets off the ride, me and Wilbur are about to head to the next one with the boys behind us. "Quackity? That you?" I hear someone say and I look over to see Schlatt, one of my exes. We have a complicated relationship but we go drinking together, "Wasn't expecting to see you here." I say and he looks at me "Same with you, what you dating Will now?" I look behind me and see Wilbur giving a tired and annoyed glare at Schlatt.

"Tubbo!" Tommy exclaims as he talks with the kid besides Schlatt, I go silent looking down at the kid. "You have a kid?" I question and stare at him, taking my hand out of Wilbur's and cross my arms. He stares at me, "You have a problem with that Quackity?" He snarls at me. We just keep staring at eachother, he's not pleasant sober and even more hard to deal with while drunk and I can't tell if he's drunk right now but I hope he isn't because his kid is here.

"Come on Quackity, Tommy come on." Wilbur insists and drags us away from Schlatt. "What's your history with Schlatt?" He asks me, "Used to date him..." I mumbled under my breath and grab ahold of his hand tightly holding it In my gloved hand. He sighs with a smile and gives my hand a squeeze, "There's the kid zone, do you want to spend time over here?" Tommy and Fundy nod and run into the kid zone. Me and wilbur walk away from it, this festival is huge.

"Hey look a Photo Booth!" Wilbur points out and drags me over to it with him, "Let's take some photos!" He exclaims. I shrug and nod, grabbing some money from my wallet and putting it into the machine as we entered and sat down. "Look at the camera, you will have five seconds in between the four photos to pose." The machine says as we hold hands in the machine, "Taking the first photo." I put up some bunny ears on Wilbur and give a goofy face into the camera, Wilbur also doing the same to me. The click went off as a timer appeared on the screen for us to prepare for the next.

He grabs ahold of me, holding me closely giving me a smile. I put my hands up into peace signs as the photo goes off. "What are we doing for the next one?" I ask him, "I'll surprise you~" he whispers. Uh okay? I keep my peace signs up with a goofy face, the click goes off as I feel Wilbur give me a kiss on the cheek. Did he really just do that? I turn towards him, "Next one is coming." He whispers, I nod and we kiss for the last one. His kiss warm against the cold winter air, the photo booth's click going off for the last time as we hold our kiss even longer.

He releases and smiles, "Wanna pick a design?" I shake my head and he lets the photos print off with a blank border. We exist the Photo Booth to see... Sap? Karlos?

Word count: 1379

You're my darling [Quackbur] Book 1 :]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя