Babysitting duty

427 11 25

December 20th

Getting home, it felt empty without my boyfriends home. Grabbing my phone and noticing no more messages from anyone. Karl and Sapnap won't be back till January fifteenth so I have the house to myself for a while. The doorbell goes off and I turn around to see Bad, Sapnap's dad standing there with his dog in his hands. I always hated standing next to Bad, he's so freaking tall and I'm much shorter than him. "Oh Quackity! Is Sapnap home?" Bad asks, "No, Karl's family took him on a vacation till January fifteenth, is it something I can help with?" I ask knowing that Bad needs something done. Mamá always said to make yourself feel better by doing anything, and I picked up her habit of helping others to do that.

"I needed someone to watch Lucy and Eyrn but if Sapnap isn't home I'm sure I can find someone—" "I'm not useless Bad, I can take care of a ten year old and a dog." I snap at him before he leaves. "I wasn't implying that- just well you're not really mature and i'm worried about Eyrn and Lucy's safety with you. No offense." He says putting down Lucy who sniffs my pant legs. I notice Eyrn on his phone just barely where I can see him, "Dad, I'm ten I can stay home while you and papa go and do jeweler things out of town." Eyrn says rolling his eyes and staring at Bad. "Not for a week young man!" Bad yelps at him.

"I can watch you, I have food and besides Eyrn is ten so he doesn't need supervision twenty four seven." I say as Eyrn agrees with me. "Fine I guess that is true, Eyrn you sure you want to stay with Quackity?" He asks putting an emphasis on my name as if I'm not right in front of the two. "Are you kidding? He's my favorite of Sapnap's boyfriends Dad! Of course I do!" Eyrn says running inside with his bag. 

"Ah- okay." Bad mumbles, "Does he have any allergies or limits Bad?" I ask him, I used to babysit all the time during high school and parents always have something to say. Bad nods, "Here's Lucy's food and her food bowl too." Bad says handing a tote-bag that is not too heavy but definitely has dog food in it. "Alright, and?" I ask. "She takes daily walks and needs to be let out after every meal, don't free feed her. She gets food whenever you eat, or else she starts to whine a-lot." Bad says as I slowly nod. 

Bad sighs, "Thank you Quackity for watching them, but if anything happens to the two. I'm never going to trust you with anything again." Bad says in a demanding tone. "Got it!" I say closing the door on his face turning around to Eyrn sitting on the couch. "We have a guest room, and also my nintendo is in my room." I say as he lights up with excitement. "What do you have on it again?" He asks getting off the couch, "Minecraft, pokemon games, Mario kart. You know the essential games." I say with confidence as he laughs.

"Have you aten this morning Eyrn?" I ask walking to the kitchen, "Nope!" He says with a smile. "I'll make some breakfast, how do you feel about waffles?" "Got whipped cream?" He replies immediately walking over to me. "Duh!" I saw pointing to the fridge as I place four waffles into the toaster. He chuckles grabbing the syrup, butter and whipped cream "I'll fill up Rat's food bowl." Eyrn says grabbing the food and bowl out of the tote bag Bad gave me. 

"Thanks Eyrn, how old are you by now?" I ask "I'm ten, you know that!" He laughs "Yeah but you got Skeppy's shortness." I say hearing him react dramatically. "Rude!" He says in a dramatic tone to match the gasp, "Oh calm down Eyrn, I'm joking with you." I say turning around to him. "I know, I know." Eyrn says rolling his eyes and stands up from filling up the food bowl for the white small dog.

My phone's ringtone started to play, grabbing it I realize whose calling. It has to be Wilbur.   I haven't gave anyone else my number recently. "Who's calling you? Is it my brother?" Eyrn asks trying to look at my phone. "Uh no just a friend!" I say answering and going to a different room, my bedroom. "Can I help you Wilbur?" I nervously say into the phone, "I was just checking to see if you got home safely, sorry if i was interrupting anything." He says in a polite tone.

"Oh uh no, I'm just making some waffles with my," fuck I don't want to say boyfriend's brother. What if he thinks of me like a whore?! "Little brother." I finish sighing heavily while covering the phone. "Oh I didn't know you had a little brother- I'm actually shopping with Tommy right now because one of his friend's birthday party is coming up." That sounds adorable, imaging Wilbur helping his son pick out a gift. "Sounds fun heh." I say with a small laugh.

"I've gotta go now but bye Quackity! Have a nice day!" He says, "You too." I mumble and turn the call off. Exiting my room to Eyrn eating his waffles and on the couch, "You can put on anything, I don't care if it has swears. Your ten, you should be allowed to see stuff with swears, hell even swear!" I say to Eyrn who gets excited and chooses what to watch. I smile grabbing my waffles and looking over to see Eyrn watching Big mouth. 

"Damn, nice choice." I say sitting down next to him, "My friend introduced me to it, his dad lets him watch it." Eyrn says, taking a quick glance and he's already done with his waffles. "Who's your friend?" I ask, "Oh his name is Tommy! And his dad is super cool, he makes music!" Eyrn says. A kid named Tommy? Could it be Wilbur's kid? "Heh- my friend has a son named Tommy, what's he look like?" I say trying to play it off cool. 

"He's got really pretty blonde hair, like gold! Plus really blue eyes." Eyrn says, Blue eyes and Blonde eyes? Oh fuck me in the ass and call me a pretty little princess, his friend is Wilbur's kid!

Word count: 1072

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