Tyler Galpin Pt. 2 ☔️♀️

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Warning- Swearing, self harm, murder, violence

Your Pov

"Well, I guess I'll have to force it out of you then" Tyler says, a sly smirk on his face. "Never!!" You scream, elbowing his stomach. He let's go and you glare at him, tears rolling down your face.

"Y/n, don't make me hurt you, I love you" Tyler says. You can tell he feels kind of sorry for you, but you ignore it. "Do you!? Or were you just getting closer to me so you could kill me!?" You say, venom in your words.

"We've been dating for 2 months, If I was planning on killing you, I think you'd be dead by now!" He yells. You realize, he's right.. Maybe he does love you.. Wait! He's a murderer, stop thinking this!!!

"Or were you planning on making me trust so you could take me to your little cave and have your master do something to me, huh!?" You scream, tears rolling down your cheeks.

"Please, Y/n! I've never felt this way about someone before, why won't you trust me!?" Tyler asks, sorrow in his eyes.

"Because you're a fucking monster Tyler!! If your master told you to kill me, I know you'd do it in a heartbeat!" You reply, getting angrier by the second.

"NO I WOULDN'T!! And don't you DARE bring her into this!!" He screams. "Oh her, huh? Who is she?" You ask, a smug smirk on your face. "It doesn't matter!! Just tell me who told you that it's me!!" Tyler says, you can tell he's desperate to know.

"I won't tell you, because I know you'd hurt them!!" You scream in his face. He turns around to his nightstand, and pulls out a pocket knife, running over you and holding it up to your neck.

"I love you so much, Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, and I don't wanna have to do this to you." He starts to tear up, and falls down on the ground, starting to sob. "Please... You don't have to tell me who told you just please.. Help me... If I don't obey her she'll kill me... I don't want to do this.... I don't like this.. I never wanted to kill them... but it feels so good.. their screams.. the blood... I love it... but when I come back.... I don't.. just.. please..." He cries into his hands, and you notice something on his arm. You pull up the sleeve, revealing little slits and cuts all over him.

You look up at him, realizing everything. He has to kill them.. Or else she kills him. You lift up his chin, forcing him to look at you. "Did... did you do this to yourself, darling?" You ask him, feeling guilty about everything you said to him before.

"Yes... what else can I do? I need to pay for my actions... I killed them, Y/n.. I'm only alive right now because of you.." Tyler replies, sobbing uncontrollably. You wrap your arms around him, kissing his forehead.

"Who is she, because I'll fucking kill that bitch!!!!" You scream in anger. "Thornhill..." He replies. What? Your biology teacher? I'll kill her.. Fuck her..

"Tyler, where is she right now?" You ask, desperate to know her location. "She should be in the cave right now.. cleaning the blood.." He replies, still crying. You take the pocket knife on the floor, and put it in your pocket.

I'm about to kill someone... But it's worth it

Time Skip

You arrive at the cave, sneaking inside and pulling out the knife. You sneak behind her and turn around looking at Tyler. He frowns and nods.

"Go to hell you cunt!" You scream before slashing her throat from behind. She falls to the ground, putting a hand on her throat. "You bitch, you'll pay for what you've done!!" Tyler stands beside you, and smirks at the sight of Thornhill dying.

"Tyler... please help me..." Thornhill groans. Tyler frowns and stomps on her hand. "No!! You made me kill all those people. Now we'll kill you." He replies. You kneel down and smirk at her. "Night night, sweetheart" You say before jamming the knife through her stomach, killing her instantly.

You stand up and look at Tyler. He sadly smiles and you grab his face, kissing him. He pulls you in by your waist, bringing you closer to his warm body. He has one hand on your cheek, and the other on your neck. You pull away, smiling softly. "I love you, Tyler Galpin. I'll never let anyone hurt you ever again."





If you have any requests tell me buster

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