Luna Lovegood ☁️♂️

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Your Pov

You haven't seen your girlfriend, Pansy Parkinson, all day and you were getting worried. You walk over to her dorm room and open the door, revealing her and Draco Malfoy in a heated make-out session.

You feel yourself tear up and you clench your fists.

Pansy- Babe, this is not what it looks like!!

You- Oh really, because it looks like your making out with this dipshit!

You point to Draco and he raises his eyebrows.

Pansy- Please babe, you don't understand!!

You- Actually, I do understand. I understand that we are over!

You storm out of the Slytherin Common room, trying not to cry.

You go to the black lake, and sit down on the ground, putting your face in your knees. You feel the tears seep through your pants, and you frown.

This is pathetic Y/n, you know boys don't cry!! Boys don't cry, boys don't cry...

Your thoughts get interrupted by a soft dreamy voice that you would recognize from anywhere. It's Luna.

Luna- Are you alright?

You remove your knees from your face, and look at her. You've always had a crush on Luna, but you like Pansy too.. It was weird because you've never had more than one crush at once.

You- Pansy... she cheated on me... with Malfoy...

Luna- Malfoy? Draco Malfoy? Well she messed up. Cheating on a sweet, awesome guy with an arrogant, rude bully? I'd usually never say this, but she might just be stupid.

You blush slightly at her standing up for you. You know that Luna wouldn't normally call someone stupid, so this was odd.

You- I don't know why I'm even crying.. Everyone knows that boys don't cry...

Luna frowns and puts her hand on your shoulder.

Luna- Y/n... Boys can cry. Everyone feels emotion, no matter what they identify as. If anyone you've ever known told you that boys aren't aloud to cry, then they need to research a little more. All humans feel emotion, even You-Know-Who. It's in our ancestry. Every living creature can feel emotions. Whether it's a human, a dragon, or a bumblebee. It's okay for you to cry, because it's in the way our body works. If you don't cry, you may even feel worse.

You slightly smile at Luna, but frown again once your thoughts start flooding your mind. You let yourself cry, but you start to get overwhelmed by all your thoughts.

You- But.. What if Pansy was the only one interested in me? What if she was never interested at all?

Luna starts your rub your shoulder with her thumb.

Luna- Well, she had to have been interested in you at some point, because if she wasn't I don't think she would've asked you out. And I know for a fact that someone is interested in you. I know that, because.. Y/n.. I've always liked you quite a lot.. You're sweet, handsome, outgoing, confident..

You look over at Luna, and heavily blush.

You- I've always liked you too.. I was just too scared to tell you..

Luna gets closer to you and smiles.

Luna- Can I kiss you, or is it too early for that?

You blush and nod your head. She leans in and gives you a deep, but quick kiss. She blushes and smiles and you hold her hand.

At least you have Luna...

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