Interlude: The Votary

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"I am Zotov."

"And what message do you bring me?"

"To be your disciple. To carry out your desires, oh Demon."

"Why me? Of all the gods you could come to?"

"Because all of the old gods are dead."

"Very well. Bow before me, and I will make you mine."

Zotov bows his head, taking off his rusty old helmet.

"You are my Votary, my greatest warrior."

"Tell me thy bidding, master."

"Find the Golden Tree, unlock its power."

"How must I do this? The Guardian defends it!"

"I will give you my power."

The Demon corrodes Zotov inside and out, creating of him a demigod.

"Now go, and I will be with you."

"By your command, Demon Luc."

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