5 - The Table

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The Demon Luc sits in wait. It's waiting for it's time, an opening in the wall, a crack in the endless river. It's time was coming.

It's watched for too long. It has had millions of followers who fell in death for its name, and now he had one final follower, Zotov, The Votary.

Luc stared through the barriers, watching humanity go to war, discover great relics, kill eachother. Now, they were at peace, there was no greater time to show itself.

It watches as Dolos and The Carrion stand in the Golden City. It used to belong to Luc.

"It was mine." It says.

They think they are safe. They aren't, not while Luc was still here.

It slithers its way to the Lake of Fire, staring down at its army of Condemned Souls. They had been reduced to skeletons, the fires at burned their very hearts away. They were now under Luc's command.

Yet, another problem presents itself.

"We are to see you remain in your place." The Witness speaks to the Demon.

Demon Luc turns around, covered in smoke.

The Witness held a scythe, like a grim reaper.

Even death was against Luc.

"Even you follow the Crown?!"

"He has shown us the truth. You live in deception."

"When the Votary opens the way, all of you will suffer."

"We will see that you know...the Crown will not allow you to leave this place."

"Let him try." Demon Luc takes the form of the Crown himself, looking like a zombie.

The Crown stops walking as Dolos and Camille follow him.

"What wrong Crown?" Dolos asks.

"There is a great disturbance. We must hurry to the White Throne."

Dolos and Camille look up on a hill, where a great White Throne sat, and a great power emanated from it.

The Witness throws bolts of smoke at the Demon, blinding it. It then rushes with its scythe.

Luc forms a great axe in its hand, throwing it at the Witness, shattering its chest.

The Witness falls down hard as the Demon recovers.

"You were never a great warrior, you were not even close to what any of my followers came to accomplishing."

"Yet they all were defeated." The Witness throws up its hands, splitting the Demon into pieces, like glass.

Luc yells out, not in pain, but true surprise. As he pulls himself back together, he sees the Witness standing above him.

The Crown looks up at the White Throne as they come closer.

"Who is he?" Camille asks.

"My Father, he is called The Judge."

The Judge...

"Even if you bring that scythe down upon me now, I will never be defeated. I will always be here, no matter what you do!"

"Let us spare you the Crown's wrath." The Witness brings down it's Scythe.

The Judge opens his eyes, and they are filled with red hot rage. This was not according to plan.

And so, the Witness is struck down right where he stood.

Demon Luc laughs deeply.

"Don't tell me I didn't warn you."

The Witness glares at Luc as it is taken away by the Crown, back up to the Endless River.

Dolos and Camille stand watching as the Crown speaks to the Judge. They couldn't see the Judge's face, it was too bright.

"No one told me he had a father." Camille tells Dolos.

"Me neither."

As they watch, they see the Witness appear infront of the White Throne, in legitimate fear. It was in it' eyes.

"Witness!" The Judge's voice shakes the entire dimension.

The Witness falls down, face unto the grass.

"You tried to murder Luc, against my wishes?! What is this disobedience?!!"

"We are...sorry." The Witness can't look up at the brightness.

The Judge glares down upon him, then shifts his gaze to the Crown.

"Luc will escape, unto the physical world."

"Tell me what I must do."

"Where is Dolos?"

Dolos name rung out like a bell. He's guided by the Crown to the Throne. Camille comes with, she wasn't going to let him go alone.

"Dolos, your purpose lies ahead of you. Your time is not done yet."

Dolos is able to look at the Judge, but it hurts.

"Be my Luminaire, like you were before. Take the Carrion, bring Luc to your heel."

Camille looks back at The Witness, crying itself in the ground.

"What about the Witness?" She asks.

"Let the dead bury themselves. His time is not come."

The Crown walks up to them. Dolos noticed he's able to look at the Judge straight in the eyes.

"Shall I guide them to the Rift?"

"Yes. There will be a great battle soon."

"If it is your will..." The Crown walks away from the White Throne, Dolos and Camille follow him down the hill.

"Luc is about to escape his domain." The Crown explains.

"How do you know?" Dolos asks.

"I know." The Crown glances back at them for a moment.

Dolos looks over at the Golden City. He sees people, living and breathing, walking around in it. He wonders if Mazora was there. Would he see him again.

Maybe after this great battle the Judge spoke of...

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