6 - Calamity

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Zotov looks up at the Golden Tree. It was beautiful, he did admit. But it's beauty would not last.

"How must I enter this chamber, Demon?" Zotov asks the air.

He hears the voice of Demon Luc respond.

"Use my power on its roots, give your body to me."

"As you wish." Zotov replies, and he immediately began to felt a surge of pain.

The Demon was possessing him. He watches as his feet carry him against his will, towards the Tree.

He looks over at his arm, which was burning with a dark red fire!

Zotov yells out as a great beam of darkness emits from his hand, decimating the ground before him, and creating a tunnel deep under the Tree's roots.

He then falls over, gaining control of his body once again.

Dolos and Camille look around them. Faceless warriors from the Judge stand ready with their weapons and shields. They are Seraphs of the Crown.

They both look down off the edge of the cliff, seeing the Rift. It was a gateway into the physical world, guarded by the Crown's most loyal sentinels. Now, the Demon was to try to enter it.

"Hey." Dolos speaks up, looking over at Camille.

"Hi." Camille looks over at him.

"We haven't really talked much since...you know."

"Yeah....I guess a lot has happened."

"What do you think is going to happen? When the Demon appears?"

"It'll be afraid, to see my great hammer!" Camille holds up her hammer close, with confidence.

Dolos smiles at it.

"You really did make it angry down there."

"I showed it true strength, true willpower, that only a Titan could show."

Dolos liked her ecstatics of herself.

"Do you remember the others?"

"Gate...Echo......Brutus. I do. What happened after I died?"

"Gate and Brutus killed Lynch. They cut off his head."


"I wasn't there, but it was traumatizing enough that Brutus left us. Everyone left us really. In the end, it was just me, Gate, and Echo with his Legion."

"What happened then?" Camille sits down on the edge of the cliff with Dolos, curious.

"Frederick turned into a great beast, and we defeated him together....but.."

"But what?"

"The staff was overloading, like on Europa....I..took it upon myself to contain the blast."


"I saved them. Now I'm here."

"So you died a hero." Camille smirks.

"Yes, the Crown thinks so."

"I think so too." Camille runs her finger through Dolos' hair.

No one had ever touched his hair before.

Suddenly, they felt the presence of the Crown behind them.

Sure enough, there he was, in full white armor.

"The Demon is to come soon, get ready."

Camille and Dolos stand up quickly, and the clouds ahead of them immediately become dark and red.

The great Demon Luc pushes it's way out of the clouds. It roars in their faces, bearing the form of a living tornado, and a dragon.

"Demon Luc, you are not permitted to pass unto the Rift! Leave this place!" The Crown demands.

"You dare hold an army against me??! I am all of your greatest nightmares!" Luc roars into the sky, and small fractions of itself tear from its body, letting free it's Condemned Sprites.

The Condemned Sprites scream a terrible scream as they begin to swarm the cliff, covering the whole area in a dark smoke.

Dolos covers his head, afraid, but Camille stays close to him, throwing her hammer at any of the Condemned Sprites that get close.

They look over at the Crown, who fought valiantly with his huge sword, cutting into every Sprite that dared touch him.

The Crown noticed their lack of fighting. He looks past them, through the smoke, to find the Demon barreling down towards the Rift.

"Go now! Stop the Demon!"

"What about you?" Dolos asks. But Camille had already grabbed him by the hand, and they were running towards the edge.

"How far down is the fall?!" Dolos yells over to her, hitting a Sprite with his Golden Sword.

"Does it matter?" Camille smiles at him, running straight off the edge of the cliff.

As they fall into the Rift, everything begins to change.

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