At Yoongi's house
After 3 hours
Author's Pov:

"How many did you hit dude?" Yoongi asked with a smirk to Hoseok.

"4? Idk. Doesn't matter until and unless I get drunk too much." He answered.

"Do you really think you are not drunk?!" Jungkook asked to Hoseok.


"Fine then, tell me how much is this?" Jungkook showed his index and middle fingers.

"One! And btw, why are you showing me your middle finger?" Hoseok said.

And in reaction, Jungkook made a poker face and looked at Namjoon.

"Nothin' t' say" Namjoon shrugged.

"Y'all it's literally 1:45. I need to go. Tomorrow is college" Vassie said.
"How many pegs did you hit?" Yoongi asked.
"2. And that's enough. I need to go home alone" Vassie started to get up.
"Wait a minute, tomorrow is college? I thought, I thought tomorrow was Saturnday" Taehyung asked.

"Saturday it is, and no, it's not any moonday Or sunday, saturnday Or any earthday tomorrow. It's college day" Vassie said with a 'so done' face.

SeokJin kept snoring on yoongi's lap. He mumbled something about mirrors being his best friend and understanding him.

"Wait, I'll accompany you to home. And then I'll be off to my apartment" Jungkook said.
"You're not sleeping over?" Yoongi asked.
"Nope! Arya will kill me tomorrow." Jungkook said.
"There's no need! I'll take a cab" Vassie said.

"Shh! You're gonna go home in a stranger's car at 1:55. That is a big NO. And you're not sober properly. So of course, I'll accompany you" Jungkook said.

"Uh, oh, thanks" Vassie said.

"And yes, the packet stays here. Exactly on the mentioned day I'll give it to Arya" Jungkook said to everyone.
"Fine kook." Yoongi did a thumbs up.
"Bye both of you!" Everyone bid both Vassie and Jungkook goodbyes.

Time skip

"Thanks Jungkook! And yeah, good night!" Vassie said while getting down from the bike.
"Same to you too" Jungkook grinned and rode back to his apartment.

Meanwhile at Yoongi's house:

"Good morning guys!" SeokJin wished everyone, waking up.

"It's midnight 2:36 am. Though in perfect english you can say morning" Namjoon said him with red eyes.

"Whatever it be. Ayo wait! Jungkook and Vassie are no more here! Did they go back home?" SeokJin asked everyone.

"Yes, Vassie had to go for tomorrow was college. Jungkook could have stayed but he feared Arya would scold him" Jimin said.

"Ok then. Wait! Jungkook left this packet here!" SeokJin exclaimed.

"No, he kept it here in my house. He thought keeping here would actually be good in hiding it from Arya" Yoongi said.
"Oh.....What's in the packet anyway?" SeokJin enquired.

"A gift" Yoongi said.
"For whom?" Jin asked
"Arya" Yoongi answered.

"Ok, but what it is exactly??" Jin asked.
"A go-, No, nothing, surprise it is, you will get to know it later on" Yoongi said.
"Why? You guys know it but I don't. That is really unfair!" Jin got irritated.

"Because last time at the mall, you were going to water our every secure plans. Your words literally were so sus, and it seemed like Jungkook and Hoseok were really gay" Yoongi said, at which Hoseok laughed.

"I promise I won't destroy your surprise!" Jin pleaded.
"Nope! Never, sorry!" Yoongi said.
"Ugh!" Jin got angry.

"Anyways, enough drinking for today. Tomorrow we have our college. Let's sleep now, if you guys want anything, don't interrupt me while sleeping, find the solution yourself. Good night!" Yoongi started snoring immediately as he finished.

"Fine then all, good night everyone" Hoseok said and yawned.
"Yes, sweet dreams everyone!" jimin said and cuddled with a pillow.
"Yup same to you" namjoon said and pulled the blanket.
"Good morning everyone" taehyung said and started snoring.


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