Is it normal for people to hate the person they love? Is it normal for people to get angry at the person they love? It's so strange.
Actually, it's not about hate or anger or any destructive emotion. You ACTUALLY get upset and disappointed.
That's it.
You can never be angry or hate the person you love.
You can indeed be disappointed with them.
That's correct.

I was thinking while looking at Jungkook sleeping, snoring while his lips made a round shape, almost like he was pouting. It was cute watching him, yet I was upset knowing he was my first ever love, no attraction; I knew and felt, would never be mine.
I wouldn't be able to make myself his.

It was 3 am in the morning
Although I was an early to bed and rise person, recently I had lost sleep.
I can't blame Jungkook fully.
We had our semesters in what? Today was Wednesday. Semesters were starting from Monday. All at once hit me. It was a lot of pressure.
I looked at Jungkook and it all soothed down.
However he was a reason as well for all of these too.
Fuck off.
I'm sleeping.

Next day

"Dude my tummy is rumbling" Vassie complained in my ears.
"Just 4 minutes bro" I said looking at the clock.

Soon enough the bell rang and prof. left the class.

"Arya I saw a restaurant near the park we go, we can go there to have our lun-" I interrupted Jungkook
"No jungkook we're going to Vassie's house for today's lunch" I smiled at him. It was pretty hard hiding my emotions, but distancing myself from him was the best thing to do now.

"Aw..ok" Jungkook went off and got out the room to the cafeteria.

"Why did you lie to him" Vassie raised her eyebrows
"We aren't going?" I asked her
"Oh ofcourse sure you're always invited" she smiled and we went to eat the lunch at her house.


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