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after about 45 minutes, we finished our whole story.

"Maybe she's trying to share food. Like, she wants to; as she might think that it's really cool sharing food with your friends. So, maybe she randomly started from today?" Yoongi patted the pillow kept in Taehyung's house's sofa.

"You are a dumb guy!" Namjoon sighed.
"Why?" Yoongi asked
"Firstly, he gulped the whole bottle and Vassie didn't even say anything. Vassie is damn selfish about food. Secondly, even if she thought that it's pretty cool sharing food with friends, won't she share it first with Arya? Like, Arya is the person who is really close to Vassie. Vassie was introverted, but now she's really frank, with all of us, but the most with Arya. So, isn't it kind of unsettling?" Namjoon said.

Yoongi thought for a moment.
"You guys are overthinking" He rolled his eyes.
"Yeah yeah." Namjoon rolled his eyes at him.
"But if its really true, about what you guys are really thinking, then...Its going to be really spicy" Yoongi smiled.
"Yoongi can you pass me the water bottle?" Hoseok said.
"Sure" He handed the bottle.

"Can you all say what you guys are thinking, like, in detail? Cause I can't understand anything of it." SeokJin said.
"Nor me" Taehyung said.
I looked at Jungkook. He looked at me too.

"We think Vassie has a crush over Jimin" I said.
Hoseok spited out the water in a blast.

"WHAT?!" He said.
"Yes...We're not sure though" Jungkook said.
Taehyung's eyes bulged out weirdly at the carpet. SeokJin looked at me with a look of disgust.

"What?" I demanded.
"You all are from which planet?" SeokJin asked me.

"We're smarter than you, shut up. The thing you did at the mall was hopeless. You were literal- No, nothing" Namjoon suddenly glanced at me.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing" he smiled nervously.
"You stopped in the middle and looked at me. What's wrong?" I said.
"Nothing is wrong" He grinned weirdly.
"You're hiding something" I raised my eyebrows.
"Dude Arya I'm literally saying you nothing is wrong, and I'm not hiding something. Stop it Buddy" he got irritated.
"Ok FINE!" I looked cautiously at him.

"But whatever this thing is, we have not got any perfect clue. So we can't say it properly whether its true or whatever Yoongi said is real." Hoseok said
"Yes" jungkook nodded while taking another pillow from the sofa.
"We have to observe more. And about this plan and the thing we observed; nobody should not tell anyone else in the college, and not to Jimin and Vassie too. This thing shouldn't go out" Jungkook said.
"Ok then." Hoseok mumbled and showed a 'thumbs up'.

"That's it then, see you guys tomorrow. We're off to our house, bye!" Jungkook got up. I got up from the seat too.

"Bye guys" I waved
And they all bid us.


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