Next week
Thursday, During Recess in College

"There was no need of decorating the house guys! We could've gone in Hoseok's house instead. And even if we were going in your house, we would've liked it without any decorative item!" Namjoon said.

"I wanted to decorate the house from a long time, so we hit two birds by one stone" I said smiling.

"And we also wanted to waste a lot of money" Jungkook grinned, to which I hit him hard.

"Ow" he rubbed his arm.

"You guys heard anything about Clara?!" Taehyung came running from the outside. We were inside the class, at Namjoon's place.

"Why? You seem so interested! And moreover, what's it?" I said.

"She tried to flirt with Jimin!!" He said getting disgusted.

"Huh?!" SeokJin's eyes bulged out of his sockets.
"Slut.." Yoongi rolled his eyes.
"What!" Hoseok shouted
"EWW WTFF" I screamed.
"Holy Aphrodite" Namjoon went all blank.
"And what did Jimin do instead? Flirt? I know that gu-" Jungkook got interrupted.

"I don't know, but he's grumpy. I think its the opposite. Who gets grumpy after flirting?" Taehyung said shrugging.

"Be quiet everyone he's coming" Vassie slurped her coconut water.

"Hey shawty-" Hoseok said
"Hello guys, bad mood, I might throw bad things out of mouth, don't mind when I say something horrible" He looked down, his hands at his waist.
"We know the reason!" SeokJin said being all serious.
"Not only you guys, the other section knows too" he grumped out.

"Here take this" Vassie gave him the coconut water bottle.
"How would this help me?" he asked.
"Calms thoughts, pleases everything possible, good taste enables good and positive thoughts" she smiled proudly.
He took the bottle and slurped the whole.

"Wasn't Vassie cheap in sharing foods?" Jungkook whispered to me.
"Yes, but she gave it maybe because Jimin is angry"
He stared at me.
"What?" I asked
"Are you nuts?" He stared at me.
"What! No" I snapped at him softly.
"See, you might know Vassie really well, but I know Vassie longer than you do" He said
I thought it for a long time.
He was correct.
"So what do you want to prove?" I raised my one eyebrow.
"See, vassie doesn't share her food with anyone. Not even with YOU. You are her best friend, aren't you? So isn't it, like, kind of suspicious?" He asked smirking.

I nodded squeezing my eyebrows slightly. Then, when I moved my head to the front, I saw Namjoon looking at me with a side eye.
He seemed to say.

Did you see what I see? 

I nodded slowly.
He moved near me and jungkook.

"Aren't we gonna talk about this new thing?" He asked.
"We are going to, but both of them are always with us hanging out. To talk about this, we need to be in a situation or a place where Jimin and Vassie won't be present" I whispered
"So..." Jungkook looked at me and then at Namjoon.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking? I mean the plan." Jungkook asked me.
I looked at Namjoon.
"Not only me, Namjoon is also thinking the same thing"
Namjoon nodded.

And the time was over. Classes had started.

Time skip
During the Class

Author's Pov

Namjoon silently shifts towards the other seat columns where sits Hoseok, Yoongi and SeokJin.
Namjoon seats with Taehyung at the backbenches. Hoseok seats with Yoongi and SeokJin at the second last bench. Jungkook seats in the second (first) bench, beside Arya. Arya seats in the middle, at her right Jungkook, and at her left Vassie.

Meanwhile, Namjoon discusses the plan with three of them.

"Okay! Sorted! And, does Taehyung, Jungkook and Arya know this?" Yoongi asked

"Yes! We three created the plan!" Namjoon said.

"Fine then. As you say!" Hoseok did a thumbs up.

Time skip
At the end of the day.
When all friends were coming out of the College.

"So, are we hanging out today?" Jimin asked all of us.

We seven: Namjoon, Yoongi, Me, Jungkook, SeokJin, Taehyung, Hoseok looked at each other.
An understanding passed between us.

"No, sorry dude, today we all are busy unfortunately. Extremely sorry buddy" Namjoon said.
"All?" Jimin asked.
We all nodded.
"Oww" he pouted.
"Ok then, bye all" jimin bid us all.
We all bid him.
Later on, vassie, went inside her house as it was really near  the college. We all bid her.

"So....Whose house we should go?" I asked.
"My" Taehyung said cheerfully.
We all then went in his house as decided.
"I feel bad lying to both Vassie and Jimin" SeokJin pouted.
"We had to Jin, it was necessary" Namjoon sat on the sofa.

"But why did we? I don't understand." Yoongi asked.

I, Namjoon, and Jungkook looked at each other.

Indeed a long chapter, hoo~ *sighs*

Besties || Jungkook ffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora