17. Gingerchad

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Affogato P. O. V

Ugh, that Gingerbrave is raising the morale! They're taking them back out from the coffins! All this "I survived it so they can too! " positivity schmuck makes my stomach turn. Why. Won't. Gingerbrave. Let. me. have. this!

I continue to see this goody-two-shoes cookie lead his friends to get everyone out of MY jelly coffins! I'm lucky I'm on the castle balcony so he won't see how angry I am! Yet! He isn't even angry at too?! What is this stupidity?! "Oh hey Affogato Cookie! you're probably right that they won't come back
..But they are our friends! and-" Blah, blah, blah...

Now I shall prepare to counter this surprise...

Meanwhile in Cookie Hell:

Y/n, custard and the gnomes have explored their surroundings. The strange warm air whipping their faces. Eventually everyone finds a strange castle made of cocoa bricks strangely not melting. Then you guys see it...

Jelly Satan.

Affogato P. O. V
I anticipate my next move... If I take gingerbrave out of the picture it could lower cookie morale.. But Gingerbrave is an.. Anomaly..? He survived the jelly ramen so how did he even do that?

I plot on one of my exquisite dark chocolate chairs that came from inside my room. Why is this so hard to accomplish?

"Uh, uh Affogato sir? "

Huh a nervous pink cookie.. Strawberry cookie...What's she doing here?

"Hmm oh sorry what is it fellow cookie~?"

She looks quite hesitant to tell me..

"Well Gingerbrave told me that you were really good with poisons and uh...He wants you to help, um no pressure or anything... "

Hmmm I can closely observe what Gingerbrave is doing...

"Sure, sure! ~"

Meanwhile in Cookie Hell

The Jelly Satan pulls of his face

*GASP! *

"POMEGRANATE COOKIE?! " Y/n gasped. "Who was that again? " Custard muttered confused.

Pomegranate chuckled

"Yes, yes and you know what... "

She gracefully closed her eyes and waved her staff eleganty to reveal less gnomes than before

Then she opened her eyes, her red eyes piercing through mainly y/n.

"You should start running... "

Affogato P. O. V
"So Affogato my friendly pal! You thought of anything that can counter this? "

Y/n's unconscious body was carefully put into the table.

It appears to have been a curse.. But these kind of curses are controlled remotely... There must be something in the soup...

"Hmm I'm not sure yet... "

Gingerbrave looks shocked...

"B-but we must try! "

I sigh in annoyance looking away why did Gingerbrave even care about just 2 cookies? Why? I respond irritatedly...

"Gingerbrave my friend. You must be careful counteracting curses or you might kill a cookie... ~"

Gingerbrave looked down and apologized.

"Oh, oh I'm sorry Affogato sir! I won't question you! "

Now that's the obedience I like to see... Now will y/n benefit my cause... Besides she is so sweet, making me feel like I have a sense of belongi- No! No no no!
Y/n only benefits me as a 'stable authority leader.' While we used to both share the glances of cookies...

She I and Custard would share it the glances, the glares!
.. Now all eyes are on me and I can't plot!

And everyone needs my help!!!

Is my goal really even worth it anymore... ? Oh who am I kidding it is!

Affogato Cookie x Female CRK Assistant Reader )(TEMPORARILY ON HOLD) Where stories live. Discover now