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Blake Holly

I stared at the enclosed envelope, gripping it tight between each hand.

Kinderton Academy.

Why was I so nervous? I didn't even want to apply to this school, but now all of a sudden, I feel like it's life or death when I open this. I took a deep breath. Fuck it. My hands trembled as I took my fingernail to slice open the sticky part. I carefully pulled the folded-up piece of paper out.

Congratulations! Dear Blake Holly, We have carefully reviewed your application, and are honored to offer you a special placement in our Academy. Kinderton is for gifted students such as yourself and we hope you can see yourself here for the 2016-2017 school year. Below you have been granted a $50,000 scholarship to cover your first year here. We hope to see you soon. Welcome future tiger!

I ran my fingers through my dark hair, and a small smile crept on my face. I could finally start over. Even though I wasn't the fondest of this school because of its 'bougie' reputation, it was the only school that would be far enough to get away from my mess of a life but also not too far from my mom. I have to look out for my mom

School starts in two weeks, so that leaves me just enough time to tell everyone...although there isn't many to tell. Just my mom and my best friend Vee. I hoped they wouldn't be too sad as this would give me a chance to finally have some sort of peace my senior year. I deserve peace. I turned to face the door after hearing it open slightly, my mom stood in the doorway with multiple bags in her hand, looking tired as ever. She was always tired. I rushed to her and grabbed some of the bags to relieve the strain on her back.

"Hello my love, how was your day?" She looked up at me with her weary grey eyes and forced a smile on her face. That's one thing I love and hate about my mom, she could be tired and stressed as ever but she always puts a smile on her face and focuses her attention on me. I mean, I love that she wants me to see the good sides of her but I wish she would know I can see the bad sides too. I've seen the bad sides. I want her to know it's okay to hurt, we've been through so much it would be absolutely insane to not hurt.

"The usual mom. You look so tired why don't you go lie down, and I'll make some dinner, yeah?" I wanted so badly to tell her about my acceptance, but preferably when she isn't half asleep. She works day and night shifts at the hospital. She comes home at about 7:00 pm everyday to rest and eat, just to wake up at 3:00 am and go right back to the hospital and repeat all over again. I've told her time and time again that she doesn't need to work so hard and that the insurance money would take care of us. She wouldn't dare touch the insurance money though. She says its filthy and bad luck. I do believe a part of it is that, but another part is that being at the hospital all day gives her a chance to help people how she couldn't help herself. Gives her a chance to stop thinking about how she couldn't help herself. It's her escape in a way.

She nodded and dropped the grocery bags on the floor, she gave me a kiss on the cheek before dragging her feet up the stairs, not long after that I heard her door close. I unpacked the groceries on the table and began to get dinner started.


A few days later

I pulled up to Vee's house and parked my car in the driveway. I'd been meaning to tell her the news but I was afraid of how she was going to react. We are each other's only friend and even though the school is 3 hours away we won't be seeing each other nearly every day like how we are used to. I know our friendship is going to change, and God, I'm so scared of that. I would literally die if we "drifted apart". I always hear stories about friendships dying out when one moves away or goes to college and I'll basically be doing both. One thing I do know is our friendship is strong and I trust her with my life so I think we'll manage but it's still hard, you know?

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