Part 3: Enters, The Villain

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(Y/n now ^)
(Or of course you can imagine her however you like.)


You were born to be a villain. That much was clear. From your tragic past to your dull outlook on the world, forever cast in shades of black a d grey. You knew you fit the trope rather well...

But, of course, you were here for more. It was only worth playing the role of the villain for the end goal. For no law abiding citizen could do such deeds of greatness as yourself. No.. Just as spirits live outside the physical realm, so do your dreams require you to exist outside the legal realm.

You just couldn't wait to put this facade to rest. The persona you had built over the years was merely a mask. It annoyed you so to play this role. But, the people seemed to like it... Oh well.. Whatever gets your plan going is worth the effort in the end.

Standing atop a sky scraper, toes hanging over the edge, you watched a sunrise much like the one from your past. Your hands clasped together behind your back. Your gaze remained fixed on the dull pinks, blues, and oranges.

~~~ Years Ago ~~~

"Your psychic abilities act much like my own.." Mogami worded in one of your earliest lessons.

You were tasked with the supposedly simple quest of balancing atop a bucket on an apartment roof. This would have been easier..weren't you so Terribly practiced in standing. So you busied yourself with practicing this small challenge while also diligently listening to the spirit.

The green wearing spirit walked in slow, broad circles around you as he spoke. "Much like many psychics, you have the ability to absorb the energy from spirits. Unlike any other I have come across, however, doing so doesn't weaken your body. On the contrary. Your body relies on the spiritual and psychic energy of others around you."

"Woah.. really?? Is that why I was sick?"

"It seems likely... That must be the real reason Moyi was able to keep you alive with her mere presence. ...As intriguing as this power can be, it comes with its obvious pitfalls... I have gathered enough spiritual energy over the years to sustain you as long as you are near, but, if you ever plan to do your own thing without me or live your own life.. you will need to find another source." Not to mention, Mogami didn't exactly want to lose all the power he had been building up for the past six decades. He still had plenty of his own plans he wanted to accomplish..

"Oh wow..." You wobbled and hopped down from the bucket, head lowered. "..What do you suggest?"

"Surround yourself with spirits and Espers no matter what your plan is. That way, as a collective, they can sustain you."

~~~ Presently ~~~

"Ms. (F/n)." A young Esper man bowed behind you. You smiled faintly. Over the years, as Mogami promised, you had grown in strength. The comforting feeling of the Esper's power slowly being drawn into yours was like taking a sip of warm tea on a cool afternoon. Thanks to practice, your Employee couldn't even tell his powers were diminishing because of you. In fact, he remained hopeful that by working for you..someday he would become just as powerful.

"...What is it, Kigima?" You asked, eyes closing to better enjoy the warmth of the morning sun.

"Um, I.. Delena and the spirits have finished their research."

"Splendid." You turned around with a smile on your face. "Gather the others for a meeting... I say it's about time we get this show one road~"


"Remember, everybody. Midterm exams are coming up. I want everyone to study over winter break... Hhh, knowing you guys, I guess it would be pretty useless to ask for that."

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