Part 6: Protection Squad

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(Shochiro ^)


Cars drove past and beeped at one another on the city road. The day was a grey, chilly one. Mob stood at the front door of a tall office building. His neck craned just staring up at the top of it.

Adjusting the simple blue tie to his plain black suit, the young man exhaled and set his gaze ahead on the front doors. He'd just quit his job for this... It better work.


There was suddenly a, um.. vacuum at your personal bodyguard post. You typically had four that would swap out throughout the day, but since that latest spiritual attack, one of your men was sadly wounded. You had to be the one to save him after absorbing all the enemy spirits. Unfortunately, it looked like he wasn't all too interested in joining you again after recovery either. He had three children to be there for, after all. You couldn't blame him. Weakling.

Well, now that meant there was a position needing to be filled, one open to Espers all over. The world was opening up a lot more to the supernatural, especially in Seasoning City..which was why you decided to base your business here despite having so many foul memories of the place.

A line of men and women alike waited outside your door. You had been successful in following Reigen's business strategy when it came to dealing with Espers. Simply appeal to them at a base level -- their desire for belonging -- and bam, plenty of strong individuals right at your door.

"I'm sorry, but I just don't believe your values align with ours.." Seated at your desk, you were very upfront with a man applying there for the position of bodyguard. In truth, you only turned him down because his aura was so obscenely weak.

"I-I- understand! Sorry!" The man jumped up, bowed down, turned around, and shuffled away. You sighed. If only there was another in your company who knew exactly what to look for in a bodyguard. Then they could do all this boring work. Your elbows rested on the table, hands carrying your numb head. Just like every day at work, you wore your white suit with a black button up under it. No tie required.

The door cracked open, but the applicant remained in the doorway with only his head peeking through.

"Hhhh, come in." You urged. You were tired after such a long day of this. The man sat across from you and cleared his throat. He handed you his application, and without you even looking up at him, you began to read it. "...Shigeo Kageyama... yadda-yadda-yadda... So you're a job jumper, I see?" You were about to turn him down right there, but then you looked up and both your eyes locked with one another's. He too had slightly widened eyes.

A distant memory flashed before you again. One of that boy with a bowl cut killing Moyi. Immediately, you paid close attention to his aura. What?! Why was it so weak now?? It was so terrifyingly strong before! The man across from you sat there quietly in shock as well. ...It didn't matter his change in aura. This was clearly the same person.

"You're hired."

"Wait-wait, what?!" Mob stuttered.

"Now are you going to take the position or not?"

"Y-yes, of course! But-sorry-but...huh??" Poor man was so confused.

"I sense you have a strong aura and spirit, so case closed! Eh?" You clapped your hands together and stood up. You were anxious to leave. Excited to be done with the interviews. And ready to move on to new things! "Ayo, Kigima! Give this man all the paperwork he needs."

"Yes ma'am!" The man with all his dirty blond hair tied up in a ponytail bound into action, handing Mob all he needed. The newcomer was a little overwhelmed. That was the shortest interview...ever!

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