Part 7: Ashy Cats

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"Don't follow me. I'm just going to the bathroom." You crossed the room in a hurry and opened the door.

"Madam~" Kigima bowed out of the way. Held in one arm was a stack of paperwork. The man passed her and entered right after she left. "Oh! Kageyama. You switched to a morning shift? Trying to avoid me~?" Now would be a good time to mention this man's pointed chin and blond goatee. Mob's body stiffened again. Was he seriously being hit on my another gay man? He was hit on by more men than women at this point. What did they see in him??

"Ignore him, Kageyama. Kigima doesn't have anything else to do with his life." A muscular but short darker skinned guy with bushy hair and beard spoke in a humdrum fashion.

"Cut it, Ze!" The dirty blond snarled.

"Wait, so do you really have a 12 hour shift??"

"Yes! And I take pride in that as well! The boss knows me better than anyone else here."

"He lives on the roof."

"D### right I do! Saves a ton of money, and why rent a place when you can just make yourself float for a bed and put up a shield for a roof?! They have showers in this place too!" Mob unintentionally grimaced a little bit. "...Oh, also, do any of you know who the f### vomited up there?!" The straight black haired one's face paled and he diverted his eyes. The ponytailed one sat at his own little desks by all the bookshelves, mumbling to himself the stuff of madness. Mob and Ze gave each other the same look.


"Why do you insist on taking Mondays off, by the way?" You asked right after a long sit-through of just listening to some guy advertise why you should partner up with him. Turned him down of course.

"I have another job that day.." Mob answered without attempting eye contact.

"Hmm..." 'That's probably the day he saves for scheming against me... I better be careful around this one.'  You rubbed your chin.

          Dwi dwi dwi.. dwi dwi dwi

Your old fashioned work phone rang. "Yhelllo?" A faint smile caught onto your lips as you listened. "I'll be there in a few." You cleared your throat and put the phone back down. "Spirits are attacking my factory." You almost laughed, jumping up. It was hard to contain your excitement. At last there was something exciting to do around here! "Gentlemen... We fly." Twisting your body to face the large glass wall behind you, you struck out your hand and--


A massive circle of cracks weakened the glass wall, which seconds later exploded again into one big mess. Mob covered his face with his arms. A strong wind whipped about his hair. Slowly, his arms lowered, revealing his terror filled eyes.

'Wait, so she has powers?!... How!?'  Still, no strong aura was detected. Your hair whipped around your head and you smiled excitedly.

"If you two are the same men I hired..." Crouching as if you were about to sprint. "..then FOLLOW me!" You did sprint. Right out the window. Mob gasped and Ze just kinda shrugged.

Mob's tossed hair started to float, as did the rest of him. Ze untied his jacket and held it by the sleeves. The darker man jumped first, his jacket glowing with dark red power and expanding like a parachute over his head. His face remained stoic as he proceeded to fly by using his jacket as some kind of glider. You flew like you were superman, waiting for Mob to join you too. He cautiously floated out the window, staring down the insanely far drop. This was the top floor. And it was a far way down. He wasn't scared for himself, though. He was mostly worried about you and the other guy. Flying wasn't an easy thing to handle.

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