Part 4: Pills

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Growing up wasn't easy. You feared you'd forever be small for your age, even if Mogami's energy helped to heal your body.

Waking up was a struggle. Getting up was a struggle. Staying up was a struggle.

You woke up in the top floor of an abandoned building. The structure was a little run down at best and rumors floated around about the place being haunted... They were completely true, of course.

Mogami, despite having to visit often in order to help your physical body recover, acted more as a distant uncle. Usually, when he talked it was only about long term goals, training, and how the "magic" of this world worked. Any veering off of these topics with him was something to be scolded for. Even after a year of living like this, you knew more about the dead Esper from documentaries and old articles than the man himself. Despite this, it was obvious he still had a place for you in his dark void of a heart. He would have given up on you a long time ago if he didn't. This was at least a step up from your own parents. And for that, you respected and somewhat admired him.

Your bed was but an old futon. After years of sleeping in a motorized hospital bed, this was certainly a downgrade. It meant that not only was every morning a struggle, seeing the poor state your excuse of a cracking room was in, but also that simply getting up was a challenge. You still had next to no muscle even after a whole year. And only now were you physically strong enough to even consider exercising. You used the wall to push yourself up onto your feet and carefully stepped over the carpets to reach the door to your room. Old rugs were the carpet. Underneath was a crumbling, old concrete floor. The light pouring in through a single window was bright but dull and lifeless at the same time. This same lighting carried on into the rest of the apartment complex. You exited your room, stepping out into the empty space all on your own. It was an empty living room, equally dirtied and death bitten.

A couple spirits sat lounging on the withering couch talking casually about motors and engines. You yawned, rubbed your eyes and waved at the two tiredly.

"(Y/n)~" Sheba, a kind, gentle old spirit floated in through the massive hole in the wall that was supposed to be, well, the wall. She hovered in with a bag of groceries dangling from her hands and plopped them down onto the creaky table. You sat down at it while the ghost rummaged through all her goodies. "A 15 year old young woman like yourself should have the finest nutrients, don't you agree??" You nodded idly along. For some reason you never felt hungry anymore, even as your tummy rumbled and fatigue set in. Luckily, you had a plethora of spirits willing to help care for you, Sheba being the most dedicated of them. Apparently, she died not too long ago and was waiting for her own children to die as well before passing on. Until then, she was content with mothering you.

The ghost set out everything she had snatched. It was a random assortment of things only a thief with little foresight could nab. There were some vegetables, a couple apples, a single cup of precooked noodles, and a pack of string cheese. You started eating the assortment of items right away.

"Oh dear... This might not be as much as I thought.. Sorry, dear. I had hoped the bag I nabbed would be enough. It sure was heavy for a low level spirits like me.."

"That's alright.." Mumbling rather quietly. You had grown into a troubling sight over the year. Where once a bright eyed, bubbly and hopeful little girl had sat, now slouched a sad, distant fella, whose eyes were downcast and held a dullness to them like none other your age.

This life you lived wasn't easy, and it never would be either. You just had to accept that. At the very least...there was a chance you'd get better physically. Then, one day, maybe you could do some good in the world.

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