吸 𝑺𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒓 盤

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She stated sweetly drawing the attention of almost all the students then sat back into her seat smiling brightly. ' What kind of parents do you have to name you that? Like da fak? '  you thought warily having montage flashed back from UwU girl/cat war. Your brain battling your unfocused thoughts. You felt a nudge pushed onto your elbow. Looking over to your left it was Suma. Then you noticed all the attention being drawn to you. 

Being the only one standing would make sense to the common foe but unlike them your brain couldn't comprehend that at the time being. Freaking out internally before getting the gist of it. You shakily introduced yourself then sat down promptly. A sigh trekked its way out of your lips making Suma giggle a bit. You glared a the girl a bit slightly irritated at the abundance of mumbles pasting around the round. Slouching down into your chair while tuning out any noise possible. Staring out the window with uninterest of any thing speaking of the lesson, you mindlessly stared. Before you knew it, it was time to head to the next class. 

Grabbing your things quickly, you waved goodbye to Suma and walked out. Looking at your schedule, the next class you had was Social studies. Dreading it immediately from the whispers of her being over-bearing to her students. While walking into the door you happened to feel something bump into your chest. 

You stopped before whatever bumped into your chest could collide more into it. You looked down ( your height is 5'8 btw ) to end up locking eyes with a pair of red and yellow ones. He happened to have yellow and red hair tied up in a high ponytail matching lovely with his eyes. You stared blankly a the young male. A thin fade of pink dusting your cheeks more alluring then most would expect of one. 






His face turned a bright red with him stumbling backwards dropping the books he had in his hands. He mumbled apologies that fell deaf to your ears as you we're snickering in your head about how cute he looks while blushing a storm. Eventually you had bent over to help pick up his books that had fallen onto the granite floor. After helping him with his books you happened to scan over  one of his books, which happened to be one of the books you had started reading recently. A glisten of curiosity and amusement shined in your eyes.

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