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Your eyes shifted to each item on display with bright colors and wrappers you'd love to tear through and starting shit at people, but luckily, your intrusive thoughts are on hold right now. After some things were said, cough cough that cat incident for example, you had put yourself in debt to Tanjiro after he heard what you said. Well, he didn't hear you said it but someone told him.

But you still couldn't believe that he would listen to what another person said without hearing from you first. Even if you did say that, how could he?! A frustrated groan pasted your lips as you grabbed four items. Proceeding to the cashier to pay for the items were good even for Tanjiro, you got behind a white and green hair girl.

"Ok, damn shorty, lemme hit real quick." Is what you thought when you walked pass her, but it would probably somebody who got ears big as fucking dumbo will go tell Tanjiro, so you decided to keep your mouth shut. With your eyes checking her out, aka your eyes bulging out your head in a very obvious way, you watched as she strutted her way to the cashier and dropped her items on the counter, very rudely.

If you were that cashier, you probably would have bitch slapped her because ain't no way in a balloon anal second are you letting someone drop someone on the counter when they could hand it to you. This ain't fucking jail. What type of dropping the soap in a prison shower is this? The cashier, who looked like she came back from the jurassic era, looked at the girl then looked at the stuff she had dropped on the counter. "Bitch, you better pick that shit up because I ain't." She said, folding her arms over her chest in a sassy way. Ok, what grandchild of her's is letting her speak like this?

You put a hand over your lip with a sizzling sound leaving your mouth. 'OMG THE TEA IS TEAING!!!!!' You thought as you eyeballed the white and green haired girl to see what her response was going to be. But, plot twist, before the could even speak the cashier jumped from over the damn counter and starting swinging. "OH SHIT—" You watch as this cashier, who somehow became the slinky dog from Toy Story even though you heard the sounds of bones rattling from her arms moving, started to beat the green hair dye out that poor rude teenage.

It would have been better if you had some popcorn but you couldn't like it go on, but you could watch it a little bit more right?

— ✩      ✩      ✩     ✩ —

Well, um, so you didn't get to see that white and green hair girl fight but instead you saw some pretty red and blue lights! They were pretty until you realized they were the lights of a police car. Which then made your inner track star kick in and your legs started to skedaddle like you saw a wooden board get gang banged by a bunch of stereotype rabid squirrels on a park bench.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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