Chp. 3

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[Clara's POV]

It was Saturday morning when I checked the time on my phone. 7:30am. Today I was graduating and leaving this city. I couldn't be more happier than this. Of course I'll miss my best friends, but they seem to understand and took the news good. After telling them, the three of us spent the rest of Friday hanging out. They never brought up the subject of the 'engagement party scandal', me telling them it was forbidden. Besides, we were both young, me being 17.5 and Demari being 19. But still, how come he got to be engaged?

I stayed perched up in my bed and went to grab my phone off the bedside table when something caught my attention. The bouquet of flowers. I forgot to open the card that was neatly stashed away in the midst of the roses. The flowers were turning a dark red from being out of water too long. I grabbed the card and opened it, remembering that whatever was on this card meant nothing anymore. I scanned the card carefully, making sure I got every word, every syllable right. It read:

'The years we spent together were amazing. I've never been more happy with life. However, we both have different tastes in our future lives. I just don't see us together in the near future. I'm sorry. I feel.... Distant when I'm with you lately. I can't explain it, but I hope you find someone whose as equally as interested in you as you are with them.'

The nerve! I sighed and got up, grabbing the bouquet and card as I made my way to my bin. I threw the contents in the garbage and did a dramatic head nod. Graduation started in the next two hours, and I was bittersweet about the whole event. Sweet that I get to leave this hellhole once I accept my awards, and bitter because I have to see his face. Along with hers. I was taken out of my drenched parade when a knock came at my door.

"Hey sweetie, you getting ready?" It was my dad. "Your mom wanted me to check up on you and tell you that we have to get going seeing that you won't be sleeping home anymore." He said looking down at his feet. Why was he nervous? He was the one telling me to take college serious.

"Dad, please let mom know I'm fine. And FYI, I'll be back home for visiting." I said heading in my bathroom. My dad sighed and even though I couldn't see him, I knew he was scrunching up the bottom of his shirt. A nervous habit.

"I know sweetie, it's just.... It'll be weird with you gone and all." He said sighing. "Any who, your mother and I have breakfast downstairs waiting and your bags are already in the car." He said, and made a sound in which I assumed he was getting up.

"Okay." I said, toothbrush still in my mouth. I spit the remains out of my mouth before speaking again. "Thanks." I said as I washed my mouth out and splashed my face. I heard him reply but couldn't hear what he said. My room door closed and I was sure he was gone.

I emerged from the bathroom with just a towel around my body and head. I checked my phone before blow drying my hair. After that was done, I started on my makeup which took about 15 minutes. I then started on my hair, deciding on curling it in deep waves. After getting dressed, I grabbed my graduation robe off the rack and squeezed myself into it. I decided that the hat would go on last. I went downstairs and came across my mom and dad just about finishing off their breakfast. I grabbed my plate and we headed in the car. Guess I was eating in the car then.

[At the ceremony]
We were all seated in our respective seats on the stage as our parents sat in the audience with either smiles on their faces or frowns from how hot it was outside. Yes, they decided to held the ceremony outside. In the scorching heat. I didn't even bother to put my hat on, instead placing it on my lap. A few flashes and clicking sounds made me nervous as the photographer took our photos. I was seated next to Harlyn, since we were on the principal's list and came first place in each of our classes. Again, the moment was bittersweet. Demari ignored me every chance he got and the only time he payed any attention to me was when the photographer wanted a picture of the three of us. That alone didn't much counted. He was only present because he was last years top student and they always make you say a speech. So, he had to sit next to me and Harlyn since we were presently top students.

Harlyn nudged me in the arm getting my full attention as our principal began calling people for their certificates and whatnots. I looked over to her and she nodded her head in the opposite direction. I followed her gaze only to see a face I would envy for a very long time. Willa, the blonde man-eater. Look at her, in her nice yellow, figure-hugging dress. Oh darn! She looked absolutely gorgeous. Her hair was a darker blonde this time and boy was it suiting. She was smiling and for a second I thought she was smiling at me, until I noticed Demari smiling next to me. I restrain from rolling my eyes. Gross. It wasn't until then did I realized that Demari had a bandage across his nose from the impact Baxter gave him.

Speaking of Baxter, where was he? I looked around silently, but couldn't find him anywhere. I leaned slightly over to Harlyn, just enough for her to hear me. "You seen Baxter anywhere?" I whispered.

"Hmm. No actually. I thought he said he would be in the front row- oh there he is!" She whispered loudly before pointing him out. I looked in the direction of her finger and smiled brightly. He was sitting next to a girl. Oh. They were busy chatting to notice us stalking them. I hope he was into her like I wanted him to be.

"And now for the principal's list. In third place, Harlyn Beau. With an outstanding grade point average of 2.95." The principal announced, finally. Harlyn got up and quickly made her way to get her awards. Her hands were suddenly full as she came back to her seat, with the biggest smile on her face.

"And in second place," he started, which ended in him calling another student up.

Wait, did that mean... I began breathing harder than I should, sounding like a dying dog. "And in first place, with the overall grade point average in the entire school, is ...... Clara King. With the grade point average of 3.94." He said clapping.

I got up and ignored some of the gasps escaping from some of the students behind me. I got up on the stadium and collected my awards. My hands were too full to carry the rest of the awards. Eventually, my dad came up and collected some for me. As I made my way back to my seat, I could hear the girls in my grade gossiping about me. Seriously? Was I that lowly talked about? Of course I ignored them.

"Ok class, please stand." Announced the principal. We all stood up and by the ending of the countdown, we threw our hats up in the air and shouted 'class of 2010!'. I couldn't stop the giggles escaping my lips. It was finally over, and I was going to begin my life in the next couple of days. This was all too good to be true.

Hope you guys enjoyed. Please comment, I don't bite. ;) and thanks for reading. Loren XoXo.

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