Chapt. 7

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[In Mexico].

We were both seated, my boss and I, waiting for a friend of Clyde to enter in the conference room. He was the head of the organization in Mexico. A few people were seated as well, no scratch that, a lot were seated. And staring. I knew for a fact they thought I was his wife he always hid at home. I nervously glanced at my boss, but he was busy watching the door impatiently.

Suddenly, on cue, the doors swung open. In walked a man that looked to be in his mid thirties, but you couldn't tell because he was very attractive. Following behind, was a pretty brunette, who looked to be in her early twenties. She was very pretty, with her hair to her neck. She had a smile on the whole time, and it was becoming contagious. I noticed my boss' face relaxed at seeing his long time friend. The others in the room seemed pleased as well because they opened their laptops and looked expectantly at my boss' friend.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, my flight got pulled back some." He said in a deep, rich, Mexican accent. He sat down in his big chair as his secretary took a seat next to him, very close I should say. "Clyde! I'm so glad you're here." He continued, excitedly.

"I'm very flattered, and I'm sure we can all leave this room with satisfaction in our hearts, am I right?" My boss asked, ever so boldly. I turned my attention away from them and focused on the female secretary. She had on a tight blue dress that showed off her curves, but overall she looked presentable. She was watching her boss with a smile on her face the whole time. If I didn't know better, which I didn't, I'd say the two were a couple. Or 'seeing each other '.

The guy didn't seemed fazed by my boss' blunt statement at all, instead he chuckled halfhearted. "Hold your horses. Don't be too quick to make deals. First, let's talk." He said, now getting everyone's attention. "Everyone, out." He said in a calm voice. Everyone did as they were told and soon the room only consist of the four of us.

"Thank you. Now I'm here because I want to expand my business further throughout the world, and I know you're the man for that." My boss said in a business manner.

"May I ask something? What exactly brought you to Mexico my dear friend?" The guy asked curiously. My boss shrugged, not answering. Oh for heavens sake.

"We were threatened by another company to be put out of business. So hence the reason we're here." I said, finally being noticed. The guy looked over to me with a questionable look.

"And who is this?" He asked, making me turn shy all of a sudden. I looked over at my boss to gauge his reaction. He nodded for me to continue.

"I'm Clara King, Mr. Ross' secretary." I said, earning a nod from my boss.

The guy, whose name I learned was Ronald Rodriquez from all the trophies on display with his name, came towards me with an extended hand. "And it's a pleasure to meet you, miss King." He said as he shook my hand.

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you too." I said, his hand still in mines. I heard a cough and immediately dropped my hands into my lap.

"So, you guys are being threatened huh? That's no surprise. Besides, only the best firms out there get threatened. Even I was threatened, and look where that got me, to the top." He said as he made his way back to his seat.

"Exactly, now the question is, what did you do to avoid the other company's threat?" My boss asked curiously. I nodded in agreement, wanting to know as well.

"Well, I didn't have to do anything. Normally when they threaten you, they like to use the things you did in the past to get you. And luckily for me, my records were clean." He said, shrugging. Oh dear.

Demari wouldn't tell anybody we dated would he? That would most certainly throw my boss off and everyone at the firm. It would make the business look bad, thinking I'm with Demari, and swapping information about my current firm, to help him get to the top. Oh they couldn't find out, no way. I didn't thought of any of this at all. I had to set things fair with Demari, hopefully he'll understand.

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