Chpt. 9

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Still of Clara POV:

"Demari, where on earth are you taking me?" We were currently driving around in his car, not knowing where I was going. Demari once again ignored me for the fourth time. It was nearly midnight, and I had work early in the morning. But apparently, Demari didn't know this.

"Would you please relax, I know where I'm going. Call your boss." He calmly said. I looked at him as if he grew a second head, which wouldn't be a problem since he was handsome.

"What are you, high?" I asked. He looked at me with a serious face, showing me he wasn't joking at all. I nodded and fished out my cell phone. "Wait, what exactly am I telling him?" I asked truthfully, and because I don't want to be the first one to break the ice between us.

"Tell him you can't make it to work for the week, tell him you don't feel well." He said as if it were the smartest cover up he could give.

"I don't think so. Maybe I'll tell him that something happened in my family and I need all the time I could use to collect myself." I said, nodding as I waited for my boss to answer. He did however, on the second ring.

"Hello?" There was a long pause before I answered.

"Uh, hey. This is Clara. I'm calling to let you know that I won't be back to work for a while. Something..... Tragic happened in my family and it's hard to deal with all that's happening.

"Oh my, are you okay? Are you safe? What can I do?" He asked all at once. I instantly felt horrible for what I was doing.

"Yes, I'm fine Sir. But I wanted to know if I can take the week off, please?" I asked hesitantly.

"Of course you can, Clara. You don't even have to ask. And by the way, take as long as you want, I'll let someone fill in for you." He said with concern. I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut. This was so wrong, but so worth it.

"Thank you sir, I appreciate it." I said, glancing over at Demari. He was busy concentrating on the road to care about my conversation.

"No problem. And don't hesitate to call me if you have to, or want to.... ok, I'll let you go, bye." We said our goodbyes and hung up.

"Bout time" I heard Demari muttered before we pulled into a beautifully decorated driveway with an enormous house to go with it.

"Where are we?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of the huge building before me.

"Home." He stated simply. Excuse me?

"I don't live here, thank you very much. Now where are we?" I asked, forcing my voice to sound angry.

"You ruin all the fun out of things." He whined. "And anyway, we're at my, uh cousins house. He's going to be out of town for a year or two, so we got the place for ourselves. You like it?" He asked, nervously. I've never seen him like this before.

"Well, I mean, it's nice..." I complimented. In fact it was mind-blowing and breathtaking. There was a separate garden area, I so wanted to try that one day.

"But you like it right?...." He asked again, eyeing me intently.

"Yes Demari, I like it. In fact I love it actually. I can't stop staring at that garden over there. It needs more furnishing." I said, eyeing the sad plants. Maybe one day I'll be able to have it looking good as new. Darn it! Listen to myself, already planning future things.

"That's wonderful. Come on, let's go inside." He said, opening the car door.

"Wait, I don't have any clothes. And my favorite coffee mug! Oh Demari, what on earth am I going to do?" I asked frantically.

"Babe, relax. I'll drive you back to your place and you can get whatever you need, okay?" He said, smiling. I nodded and followed him out of the car.

As we made our way to the front door, I noticed the stairway to the front door had beautiful intricate designs on them. I couldn't help but stop and admire the beauty of it. Who does stuff like this?

"Are you done?" I heard Demari saying from the front door. I quickly made my way over to him before he closed the front door, locking it.

"Wow, this place is just... wow." I said, walking through the house with Demari hot on my heels.

"Let's check out the bedrooms." He said, grabbing my hands and leading me in the opposite direction.

We arrived at some double doors before going inside the room. To say I was drooling over a bedroom design was an understatement. If you could witness the beauty before me, you would be wiping drool too. The bed had about three layers of sheet and was very high off the ground. The covers were white and grey, matching the grey covering on the bed. I was in love all over again. I walked over to the curtains, or more like drapes, and had to rub my fingers onto the silk white material. The dresser, lamps, and rug, all had a speck of grey and white on them, making me love being here.

"I take it that you love this room." I was snapped out of my daze by Demari's voice. I turned around to find him sitting on the bed without his shirt on.

"What are you doing? Please put back on your shirt." I said, folding my arms across my chest. He just looked at me bored, before taking his tennis off.

"Look princess, I have things to do in the morning as well. One being, I don't know how I'm going to convince my whole staff that I can't come in to work for a while because I'm being plagiarized by 'you know who', and now I'm hiding in a house with my ex girlfriend, whose too paranoid to sleep in the same bed with me. Yup, got a lot going for me." He said, pulling blankets back and getting under. "You can do what you want to do, I'm going to sleep some pent up stress off, goodnight." He said turning out his side of the lamp, leaving mines on.

Well then, that went great. Muttering a series of mean words, I finally made up my mind that I didn't want to sleep in another room by myself. I sauntered over to my side of the bed, thankful that the bed was huge, and pulled the sheets back. "That's what I thought." He muttered when he felt me get in bed.

I lay on my back staring at the ceiling, just thinking. Demari probably was on his way to wonderland, so I was awake by myself. I sighed softly, turning off the lamp on my side turning the place in darkness. I scooted, slowly and quietly, over to Demari in the bed. He didn't move in which I was grateful, but he did speak.

"You okay princess?" He asked, his voice sending chills down my spine.

"I thought you were asleep..... Sorry if I woke you." I stated, apologetically. I felt him shifting about before his head was close to mine.

"It's cool. Now answer my question, are you okay?" He repeated.

"I haven't slept well ever since I got that letter of threat." I confessed.

"Clara, you have nothing to worry about. I promise I will protect you no matter what. Now go to sleep, and stop stressing." His calm voice sounded out. I felt his hands rest upon mines and I stared at the ceiling. I don't know what he did, but I instantly felt better. I felt better than the time that I laid side by side with Clyde. I mean, my boss.

"Okay, thank you. Goodnight." I said tiredly. I felt Demari move his hand off of mine and turned over, his back facing me, as he drifted off to sleep. I had to admit, but I felt a pang of sadness in my chest. I guess I expected Demari to snuggle with me and tell me everything was going to be alright. But he wasn't my boss, and we weren't together anymore. So I see where he was coming from. I turned over as well, mocking his position, and drifted off into a deep slumber.

End of chapter, hope you enjoyed this one. Thank thank thank you for reading. It means a lot to me, really. Love ya and feel free to comment. Don't be shy. XoXo -LoveLoren.

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