Chp. 6

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[Clara's POV]

"You what?..." I was making sure I wasn't hearing things out of the ordinary. Before he could respond, a knock came at my door.

"I have to go now. I'll talk to you later." I said, ready to hang up.

"Wait! At least think about what I said, okay?" He said, sounding pleading.

I sighed loudly after another knock came at the door. "Fine, now bye." I said and hung up.

"Come in." I said loud enough for the person to hear.

The door opened, and in came my boss. "Hey there, hope I'm not interrupting you. But I have someone here to meet you." He gestured for the person to come in.

A familiar face walked inside, and it took all my willpower not to burst in flames. "Hey!" She said. "I'm Ina Reeds." She lied.

"Clara, this is Ina Reeds. The one I was telling you about. Well, I'll leave you two to talk some. I'll be in my office." He said before heading out the door.

I kept my eyes on the familiar face before laughing hard.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

"You Willa. The fact that you lied about your name is beyond me." I said, taking a seat in my new comfy chair. "Why did you, anyways?"

"Because, I wanted to surprise you. I know how much you loved surprises. Ain't that right? Remember, when you thought you were going to get proposed to? Yikes right?" She said with a sinister smirk.

I kept my eyes trained on her the whole time she spoke. Jerk face.

"You are right. I do like surprises, but take a look at what you're standing on. My territory. That's right. I'm in charge of beginners like you, so if I were you, which I'm thankful I'm not, then I would choose my words more carefully. Is that clear?" I asked her with a serious face.

"..... Whatever." She muttered.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked leaning an ear towards her. She rolled her eyes before speaking.

"Nothing.." She said.

"That's what I thought. Any who, people like me need more quiet time, no offense, but could you leave now?" I asked nicely. Of course I wasn't being nice. But why? Why am I still upset with her when she was the one who broke off the engagement?

"Gladly." She said before leaving. As she opened the door to leave, Lola came skipping in. She waited for Willa to leave before speaking.

"So she lied about her name? But why?" She asked incredulously.

"Lola, were you eavesdropping? Again?" She always eavesdropped when the boss and I were engaged in a conversation.

"Well, these walls are thin. So, you didn't answer my question. Why did she lie about her name?" She asked, coming closer.

I leaned back in my chair, not wanting her too close like that. The girl acted like she was a walking sugar cane. I sighed loudly. "Because, she and my ex were engaged before they broke up. So, now she claims that she was surprising me by changing her name, and showing up here. But something tells me she has something else up those sleeves of hers." I said, going into memory mode.

"Oh, well whose the ex you so speak of?" Lola asked curiously.

I bit my lip from calling out Demari's name. Don't need anymore drama.

"Well... He's, ya know, my ex." I said, ignoring her eyes.

"I know what he was, but I asked who he was?" She asked while laughing.

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