Chp. 24

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"That's a joke, right? Tell me you're joking, Clara!" Baxter angrily bantered.

I rolled my eyes, "his words, not mines."

Although I, too, was curious and a little against the plan. I was trying to get away from Clyde, not see him again. The guy was sick and needed help.

"Don't tell me you agree with him, Clara..." Donovan quietly spoke.

I shrugged, "I mean, I really am dreading seeing this guy again."

Donovan nodded as if he got what I was saying, he looked at Baxter, "How did the two of you knew each other?"

Baxter shrugged, "I use to work for him-"

"Not Clyde, Clara. The two of you were best friends, right?" He raised a brow.

Baxter's eyes landed on mines, but I beat him to it.

"Donovan, please." I sighed.

"What? It's just amazing how he willingly switched on you, just like that." Donovan pushed.

"Am I going the right way?" I asked just to switch subjects.

Baxter looked out of the window and frowned, "yeah, but his car should be here...."

Donovan looked out as well, "What do you mean? We're in the middle of nowhere."

Baxter nodded, "Yes, but this is where he hides his car. I don't see it."

I looked to Donovan, "now what?"

He shrugged, "we wait until his car pulls up."

Baxter scoffed, "like hell we are-''

"What, are you gonna call for backup? The guy probably forgot about you anyways." Donovan answered.

"Guys, please enough. Let's really think this through. What if Clyde's expecting us?" I pitched in.

Baxter shook his head, "he isn't, that, I'm sure of."

I nodded, "fine, so where is he?"

"I don't know," Baxter eyed me.

"Wrong answer," Donovan whistled.

Baxter rolled his eyes, "That's your problem, I said I don't know."

He kept his eyes on me and I knew it was the truth.

"He's telling the truth," I said, looking away first.

Donovan looked to me, "how do you know that?"

"Some things never change, I guess." I mumbled, but both men heard.

The sun was leaving us very slowly as it was getting quite dark by the minute. I was resting my head against the headrest as Donovan kept his eyes closed. Baxter was looking out of the window. Suddenly, there was a sound heard a few feet away. We all heard it but I didn't know what it was. Baxter sat up, a confused look on his face.

"I thought we were alone.." Donovan said quietly.

Baxter nodded slowly, his eyes never leaving the direction the sound came from, "We were supposed to be.."

"Now what?" I turned to Donovan.

He inhaled deeply, "I'm gonna go check it out."

"What?" Both Baxter and I said in unison.

He eyed Baxter but turned to me, "wait here, okay?"

I was already shaking my head, but he placed something heavy in my hands. I looked down to see a gun. My eyes widened, but his was calm.

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