Chp. 13

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Clara's P. O. V.

"Baxter where are we going?" I asked for the tenth time now. We were driving non stop and I had to use the bathroom. Baxter held up a finger while used his other hand to turn a corner.

I sighed dramatically before resting my head against my seat. I turned to look out of the window to see a car following close behind, through my side mirror. I sat up closely to get a better look but the windows were tainted. "What's wrong?" Asked Baxter.

"Someone's following us." I told as I kept my eyes on the car.

"Do you still have your phone with you?" He asked as he, too, looked in his rear view mirror.

I opened my purse and sure enough my phone was sitting just there. "Yes, it's here."

"Turn it off." He ordered.

"What, why?" I frowned.

"Because, someone could track us." He said as a matter of fact.

"What if he calls....?" He knew who I meant.

Baxter spared me a glance as he sped down the road. "Clara, you've got to forget him. He's not who you think he is."

I nodded in agreement and shut down my phone. If Demari cared at all, he would be here with me by now. I looked in the side view mirror again and to my surprise, the car was gone.

"They're gone..." I said out loud. Baxter had to double check to make sure but soon realized it too.

"Great, now let's get you somewhere safe." He said.

"Quick, I have to use the bathroom."

He chuckled at me before nodding. "Have you heard from your family as yet?"

Oh my God, my family! I haven't heard from them since I've worked for Clyde. I hoped-

"Hey, relax. They're okay." Baxter placed a hand on my knee to reassure me or comfort me, I don't know.

"Okay." I said and folded my legs as his hand slipped off. I was becoming uncomfortable with other people touching me, but this was Baxter and I still didn't care.

He kept his eyes on me for a minute before concentrating on the road ahead. We arrived at a supermarket in some foreign town I've never been in, and Baxter turned the car off. "Okay, I'm just gonna get some stuff and I'll be back. Keep the doors locked, okay?"

"Sure." I said with a nod of the head. He left and headed in the store. I looked around in the car for the first time since I sat in it.

It was well cleaned and smelt of cinnamon. I looked around the parking lot and there were people smiling with others and some getting into their cars to leave. I sighed heavily as I tried to muster what on earth was going on, surely this was all a joke. But even I knew it wasn't. Baxter had been gone an hour now and I couldn't hold my bladder much longer. I stepped out of the car and walked into the store. The cool air conditioning felt nice against my dried skin. I licked my chapped lips for moisture and walked to a lady at the cashier. Before I could ask her where the bathroom was, my eyes darted to the TV behind her. It was the news and they were showing a picture of a missing girl. Me. I was the missing girl. My face was plastered again the screen as they said my name, address and location of work. This was much serious as I thought.

I needed to hide my face but I didn't have anything on me. I decided my bladder wasn't worth it and walked back out the store. I turned around to make sure nobody saw me but instead I saw Baxter talking to someone familiar. I strained my eyes to get a better look and I almost fell over on my face. It was Willa and Lola. Baxter was talking and having a conversation with my arch enemies, the ones who obviously wanted me dead for who knows what reason. I quickly turned around before they could notice me and walked slowly to the car. I can't believe this, he bought me out here for a reason because he had no groceries in his hands and he looked upset as well. I was going into panic mode before a hand slapped over my mouth and dragged me away. My hands began swinging in the air to stop my attacker but that was a fail.

I was pushed into yet another car and the door slammed and clicked. The driver of the car wasted no time in starting the car and flying out the driveway. "Where are you taking me?"

The person didn't respond but kept on driving further and further away from the store. By now we were long gone and as we continued driving, I thought back to what just happened. How could Baxter do this? I thought he was on my side.... I thought he was my friend, my best friend... Oh how wrong I was. My mind took me back to when I first met Baxter, he was so charming, so nice. He would always stop by my house to help me study or just to see me. Baxter never showed any weird feelings towards me, like love. Nothing romantic. So why was he apart of all of this. The car stopped moving and I was brought back to reality. I looked out the window to see we were now at an old beach house. Why were we here and who the hell was this guy. I looked at the back of his head and it really looked familiar, weird I know.

"Where are we?" I asked annoyed that this kidnapper was ignoring me.

The head of the driver who had kidnapped me finally turned to me, revealing an all too familiar face. My eyes shot out of their sockets, I'm sure, as I looked over the face.

"Demari?...." I whispered.

"I'm so sorry I didn't helped you at the time, but I had to make an escape plan before I came back for you." He said as he got out of the car and I followed him. "Please you have to understand."

"You idiot! You jerk! Do you know how scared I was for you! I thought they killed you!" I cried. I had to let it all out or I was going to hurt myself.

"I was scared too- what? You were scared for me?" He asked with a frown.

"Forget about it Demari." I said before brushing past him.

"No, no. Listen to me, all this is my fault. I never wanted you to get hurt, ever. I will never let anything bad happen to you and not be there. I will always be here for you, I promise." He said and leaned in to kiss me but I dodged it and shook my head.

"I need to use the bathroom, excuse me." I told him and headed in the house. Guess I was living here now.

Demari caught up with me as I found the bathroom and touched my shoulder causing me to turn and face him. "I really am sorry Clara."

I nodded and closed the bathroom door in his face feeling so bad myself. I hated seeing him this way, it killed me. I still loved the guy but I needed all the space I could get from him, if that was possible.

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