Chapt. 16

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After three cups of cold water, I decided to take a short nap. I couldn't sleep, I just couldn't. Not after that haunting photo of.... This is just wrong.

"If you wanna go to sleep, go ahead. I'll stay up." Demari grunted next to me. I can tell he was beat up and on the verge of La La Land.

I shook my head, "No babe, you need your rest too. Besides, I took a nap earlier."

He turned in his spot on the couch to look at me, "C, I'm okay."

I stare at him for a while before nodding. "Doesn't matter either way, I can't sleep. Not after.."

".... I know.. Are you hungry?"

"No, I don't trust my stomach." I laid my head against the neck of the chair.

Demari sighed, "Yeah, me nei-" He suddenly stopped.

"Wha-" He silenced me by placing a finger against his lips. I obeyed.

I was lost for a moment before I heard murmuring outside the front door of the house. My eyes grew wide as I looked into Demari's calm ones. He mouthed a 'follow me' as he headed to his room. When we got there, he made me sit on the bed as he pulled out a duffelbag from beneath the bed I sat on. He gave me a quick glance before unzipping the bag, revealing a lot of big guns.

"Demari, are you insa-"

"Shh, relax. They're just machine guns, nothing fancy." He whispered.

My mouth was still slightly opened as Demari looked at me for a few more minutes before kissing me. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was enticing. After he pulled away, He had on the most goofiest smile ever.

"Sorry, had to." He whispered as I smiled along.

"Demari, I'm not using-"


"Stay here.." Demri ordered.

"But-" But he was already gone. I panicked like crazy as I heard a shot go off.

"Just breathe." I told myself as I did the mini exercise.

After I was sure I was breathing fine, I walked over to the closed door and silently pulled it open. I peeked out, noticing a few unfamiliar faces drained of life, on the floor. I held a breath in before stepping out and into the open hallway. In the distance, I could see that the front door was kicked down, which was the cause of that loud crashing sound earlier. I was now passing my room when I heard the cackle of a gun behind me. I slowly turned around, coming face to face with a face I knew all too well.

"Baxter?" My voice came out as a whisper.

"Shut up, Clara. Do you know what I went through because of you?" He spat.

I shook my head but kept quiet, scared to death of him right now.

"Of course you don't! You never cared!" He hysterically shouted. What the-

"Follow me..." He said to me as he turned me around, shoving me with his gun, in my back.

"Baxter, I'm so-"

"-Talk and I shoot." He threatened.

I said nothing, of course, and allowed him to take me outside. I couldn't help but look around the yard in hopes of finding Demari. Was he-

"Looking for lover-boy?" Baxter chuckled. "Good luck with that."

"What did you do to-"

"-And if I tell you? What could you possibly do?" I said nothing.

"Ya know, It's funny how you fell for this guy." He continued as we reached a sleek, silver car. "Get in."

I got in the passenger side as he took the driver's. "He's not trying to hurt me, like you!"

He chuckled again, but it sounded fake. I felt the impact before I saw it as his hand connected with my left cheek. It stung so hard, and unexpected tears came spilling out of my eyes.

"Look Clara, I'm not trying to hurt you. I want you to go through the torture and pain I went through when I had to watch you love this guy." He started the car and pulled onto the road.

"You never told me how you felt." I sniffed. He confuses me.

We drove past some lamppost and I caught a glimpse of what his face looked like. Hurt. He looked hurt. "I couldn't.."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because of....." He stopped. He didn't have to continue, I knew what he meant.

"The plan..." I said it anyway. It still hurt me that Demari faked the whole proposal thing because of some stupid plan Clyde had.

He didn't answer me, and I, in that very moment, felt sorry for him. "I'm sorry."

"I know you are, I am too." He sadly replied.

"Then why do this?"

"Clara, you don't understand- I'm in too deep.... I have a family as well and Clyde will stop at nothing." He glanced at me quickly.

"Did he threatened your family just so you'd do his dirty work?"

He nodded before giving an agitated look. "Look, Clara- this wasn't my intentions. Yes, I'm in love with you. But I would never hurt you, you know this right?"

"Where's Demari?" I foolishly asked instead.

"Wow...." He chuckled as he shook his head.

We drove for a half an hour more, in silence, before stopping in front of a large building. I looked out the window, straining my eyes to get a better look.

"Where are we?" I asked.

Baxter cut the engine as he opened his door before coming over to open mine. "Come."

I got out of the car and regretted not changing my clothes. Baxter noticed it too since he asked if I was cold.

"No, thanks." I tried to smile.

He said nothing as he guided towards the the building. It was really quiet around here. We approached a set of automatic double doors which opened the minute we stepped in front of them.

"Walk straight ahead." Baxter ordered even though he still lead the way.

We approached the end of the hall, face to face with a single glass door. Baxter opened the door slowly and the light from the room immediately blinded me, I had to shut my eyes tightly.

"Clara, dear, glad you finally came." I knew that voice.

After my eyes got adjusted to the light, I finally looked around the room. My eyes landed on a pair of blues as anger clouded my vision.

"Clyde...." I whispered.

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