Chapt. 20

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Donovan in the banner.

We had managed to 'out-drive' Demari and company, now, we were headed in a ,God knows where, unfamiliar direction.

"You okay?" Donovan asked as we drove further on.

I gave him the best smile I could, "why wouldn't I be?"

He chuckled, "that's a rhetorical question right?"

I sighed.

"Sorry, but are you sure you're okay? You don't look too happy." He suddenly turned serious.

I shook my head, "my entire life is a blasphemous roller coaster."

He nodded, "I understand.."

I looked at him, "do you? I doubt it, highly."

He chuckled, again.

"Is everything a joke to you?" I scolded him.

Maybe I shouldn't tell him exactly what's going on, I'll just lie and say it's an ex boyfriend problem. That always win.

"I haven't had this much fun for thirteen years." He said, but his tone sounded distant.

"Thirteen years, huh. What were you doing then?" I had to ask.

".... It's a long story." He drifted off. "Ready to tell me what's yours?"

"My what?" I asked as I looked in the rear view mirror.

Still clear.

"Your story, you never told me what's going on." He took a left.

"Uh, I'd rather not burden you with my mess." I chose to say.

He stole a glance at me, "you're a terrible liar."

"It's the truth." I bit out.

Who the hell does he thinks he is?

"I beg to differ." He mused.

I watched him, eyeing the way his jawline complemented his face. That's another story, his face. I had to admit, he looked like a guy from a movie or tv show, that only got views because of his face. If that's possible.

He continued, "you're going through something, something tough, I don't know. Or, you're either mixed up with the law. Am I right?"

"Not even close." I rolled my eyes, "where are we going?"

He shook his head, "I'm not saying until you tell me what's really going on."

"Really?" Is he serious?

He didn't respond, which made me the more agitated. "Fine! You're already difficult."

"Thanks, I prefer hard to resist, but difficult is good too. Start talking." He winked in my direction.

Ugh, "it's a boyfriend problem. That guy back there use to be my boyfriend, but he got so obsessed with me. Now, I'm trying to escape him."

He didn't say a word. I peeked over at him, hoping to God he bought that little lie.

"Okay." He finally spoke.

Too Good To Be True.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن