Chpt. 11

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[Clara's P.O.V]

After making some sandwiches and lemonade, we got cozy on the couch watching empire. We were in the middle of a commercial when the doorbell rang.

"Want me to get that?" I asked Demari. He nodded, still watching the television screen.

I sighed but still got up. The doorbell rang again, annoying me that we had visitors. No one was supposed to know we were here. "I'm coming, calm down."

I opened the front door with a scowl on my face, only to see no one there. I poked my head out of the door, looking around for anyone in particular. I saw no one at all. As I was about to close the door, my eyes caught sight of something on the front step. Pictures were scattered about on the floor. I gathered them in my hands, and took a closer look. Oh dear. The pictures showed my boss and me at the restaurant enjoying dinner. We were on our business trip together. The pictures were taken from different angles and it looked like we were on a date. There was another picture I didn't see. I turned it over and almost shouted. It was a photo of my boss and I. Kissing.

"Who was it?" I heard Demari close behind me. Instincts made me crumple the pictures in my back pocket.

"Oh, I don't know. It was probably just the mailman? Anyway, let's watch the rest of the episodes before we miss too much." I told him in a rush, turning to leave. Demari, of course, grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to him.

"Hey hey, relax. You look paranoid." He said brushing hair out of my eyes. The contact was enough to make me relax. "Now what's wrong?" He asked looking deep in my eyes.

I couldn't tell him about the pictures because it will only lead to more questions.

"I just got a little shaken up by the doorbell that's all. But it was a false alarm, so I'm okay." I told him with a strained smile.

He gave me a long look as if he didn't believe me. He then shrugged and followed me into the living room. We resumed our position on the couch, me fretting and him looking at me every second he got. I got up hastily, rubbing my hands.

"I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right back." I told him with a nod before rushing off to our shared bedroom.

I was starting to feel antsy and my fingers were getting clammed. I walked into the bathroom and started stripping. I entered the walk-in shower and turned it on. The water felt amazing against my skin and I couldn't help but let out a soft moan. After showering, I changed into some comfortable clothes. I chose to wear my gym shorts and white tee-shirt. After tying my hair up, I decided to go outside again. I couldn't get the feeling of curiosity out of me, especially after that stunt with the pictures. I went into the garden house to see if I could busy myself with gardening today. I found some great stuff that was stocked away on the shelves, so I got started. The air was cool today and I felt relaxed, until I heard a noise from the far left of the garden house. I froze in my spot and looked in the direction of the noise, which didn't stop.

"Please don't eat me, please don't eat me..." I whispered softly to myself as I got up slowly, making my way towards the noise. Before I could move any closer, a baby cat pounced in front of me. It was beyond adorable and I was already reaching out for it.

"You're so adorable, yes you are." I purred at him. He wasn't even afraid of me, so I took him into my arms and rocked him.

I decided I would finish the garden tomorrow, and walked towards the house. On my way over, a yellow mustang was passing by. Instead of cruising straight ahead, it stopped in the middle of the road in front of our house. I strained my eyes to see if I could see who was driving, but the glass was tainted. When I didn't turn away, the car sped off and out of distance. That's odd, or maybe it wasn't. I hurriedly walked to the house and got inside, the baby cat in my arms. Demari probably wouldn't let me keep him here, but ill still ask him anyway.

"Hey, where'd you go, I was- whoa!" He said with hands up in the air. So dramatic, it was just a baby cat.

"I know, but he was in the garden house whiles I was gardening, and I couldn't just leave him there. You know how much I love cats, Demari." I pleaded with a little pout of the mouth.

He shrugged, "I wasn't going to say no, I was just surprised to see him. I didn't know cats were around here. I need to get out more." He said the last part to himself.

I chuckled at his expression. "Thank you so much!" I said as I placed the cat on the floor. It instantly started running off through the house.

"Welcome. Hey quick question, was the garden house locked when you got there?" He asked.

"No, it wasn't, but something strange did happen. A yellow mustang was riding past the house, but stopped right in front of our yard. Minutes after, it sped off and disappeared." I told him.

"Are you serious?" he asked. I nodded at him. "Is that all you've seen so far since we got here?" he asked skeptically.

"Yes." I lied. He nodded, as he gave me that long look he did when he didn't believe me.

"Okay. Well I think it's time to call that friend of mines. I'll be right back." He said before turning away.

I sighed and went in the kitchen to pour some milk in a bowl for the kitty. After pouring it, I rest the bowl down and went to go find the cat. Minutes passed and I finally found him trying to reach for the remote. "Oh no you don't." I told him as I scooped him up. He purred and snuggled into me. We went back into the kitchen and I placed him down in front of the bowl. He instantly began slurping the milk. I smiled and left him there to enjoy his food, or drink.

I joined Demari into the bedroom where he was sitting there on the bed with a frown on his face. I approached him cautiously and sat next to him on the bed. He turned to me and sighed. "You okay?" I decided to ask.

"Yeah, it's just that, I'm worried something might happen to you." He said with a shake of his head. I felt something in my chest as he said those words. It meant he cared.

"Demari, I'm going to be okay, as well as you. We're in this together, remember?" he nodded and took my hands in his.

"I'm sorry about everything, the cheating, everything. I really am." He said as he rubbed circles on the back of my hands.

"Demari, it's okay. Stop apologizing." I chuckled. He looked at me confused before pulling me into him. Our lips connected and moved in sync. His fingers brushed my stomach as my shirt rose up in the process. Things were getting heated, until we both heard a soft purr.

We pulled apart and looked towards the door where kitty was standing there with a look on his face. I don't blame him.

"I hate this cat already." Demari said under his breath. I swatted his arms and got up to get the cat. "Did you ever name him yet?" He asked as he sat up.

"How about Garden?" I asked him. "Since I met him in there." I finished. Demari chuckled at the name.

"Garden it is." He said as he pulled both me and the cat into the bed.

End of chapter, hoped you enjoyed. Thanks for reading. -love Loren. XoXo.

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