Chp. 10

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Still of Clara POV:

"Mmmm.", I was moaning in my sleep. I was either dreaming or fantasizing, but Demari was kissing me. As I reached out to grab his shirt, I felt nothing but air. I reached out again, feeling nothing but air.

"Get up." I heard a voice. It was close, but I couldn't tell. "Get your lazy butt up, now." The voice got louder. I was still kissing Demari. Suddenly, I felt my body shaking.

"I'm up, I'm up! Gosh!" I sat upright in the bed. Must he manhandle me so?

"Don't 'Gosh!' Me. You wouldn't wake up, now let's go." He said, walking out the room door.

"Where are we going?" I asked, getting up anyway.

"To watch an opera show." He yelled sarcastically. I rolled my eyes to myself. "We're going to get the rest of your stuff from your place. Let's make this quick."

"Okay." I was done in the bathroom and threw on some jeans and some tennis.

|Later that day|.

"Are you done, Christ?!" Demari all but yelled at me through the phone. We thought it was best for him to stay in the car and not be seen with me. If someone caught us together, they would definitely take pictures. And pictures ended up online.

Upon answering his question, "Wait, I'm just grabbing the last remains." It's been an hour since we got here and I needed to hurry it up.

I grabbed the boxes I could carry, which was three atop each other, and raced down the steps out the door. Demari was waiting in the car with an impatient glare. "A little help?" I asked, nodding my head towards the boxes in my hands.

"Thought you'd never ask." He stated sarcastically. He was making me madder. He opened the trunk for me, which was large enough, and I placed them in the back.

"Okay, let's g-"

"Clara? Hey Clara! Oh my goodness, so nice to see you!" I turned around to see my assistant, Lola, standing there with a puppy on a leash. And she wasn't alone.

"Hey Clara." She was with Ryan as well. Oh great.

"Hey guys! What a- what a coincidence. How y'all doing?" I was such a horrible actress, so predictable. They looked at me with frowns on their face.

"We're good, going for a walk, well I was walking and Ryan was running." Lola answered.

"Sorry about your family, boss told us. You're not moving are you?" Ryan asked. "Whose that?" He was pointing at Demari. Oh dear, oh dear.

"That's my cousin, D- Damone." I lied. I turned and gave Demari a look to turn his head the other way. He caught on and did as told.

"Oh. He looks awfully familiar. Handsome too." Lola gushed.

"Yes well he's my cousin. So, I wouldn't know." I faked laughed.

"Well, it's nice to see you smiling again. Boss told us you were really down about the whole 'family' thing." Ryan stated, rubbing his hands on his sweatshirt.

"Well, I don't want people taking pictures of me looking like a sobbing mess, and then have them on the Internet." I said, as-a-matter-of-fact.

Ryan nodded as if he understood my reason. "Guess you're right."

"Well, I have to go now, have to go back at a relatives house, and console more family members. See ya!" I waved them goodbye and went into the car. Demari honked the horn, head still turned the opposite direction, and drove off.

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