Observation Logs

411 21 24

This chapter is a bit different. I finally figured out how Watchers are made! Well, for my story, at least. Backstory! I choose you!


Experiment Log 000

The purpose of the first log, as is protocol, is to record the goal of the experiment and the methods utilized to attempt to reach it. Tier five researcher [*****] has sent orders for several tier two and three research teams to attempt to artificially recreate the event of Watcher transformation.

Worth noting is that previous attempts have made no progress on raising the survival rate of the transformation, with no positive results logged. Whether this is simply the abysmal success rate or a sign of faulty methods remains to be seen.

I have been told to record the natural way Watchers come to be, though I don't see why that would be necessary. Anyone who bothered reading this would already be aware of this information, else why would they have come here in the first place?

Watchers are not like the mortal species, and do not reproduce as they do. Instead, we are born anew when a sapient being falls into the Void, more on that later. You are most likely aware of the effects the touch of the Void has on most dimension bound creatures, swiftly causing a rather brutal death to any unfortunate enough to find themselves exposed.

In extremely rare cases, the sapient lives long enough to undergo a metamorphosis, becoming a new Watcher. The previous memories and personality possessed by the sapient are stripped during the process, leaving the newborn Watcher a blank slate. Do not confuse this with being defenseless, for new instincts and a base personality form quite rapidly. Theories exist that the reason our society is as hierarchical as it is can be attributed to the time a new Watcher spends surviving in the Void before they are found.

The goal for this experiment is to succeed in inducing the transformation of at least one Watcher, with strength being a secondary priority. A successful method can be further refined later, but it first needs to succeed. 

For our methods, we plan to try to build a tolerance to Void in the subjects chosen, using as little as possible and allowing time for recovery. Previous studies suggest that trauma from the agony caused by the Void hinders the subject when repeat procedures are enacted, therefore we shall try an alternative. Instead of leaving the subject to recover naturally, they shall be placed into a magically induced coma for however long it takes for them to heal.

Our hopes are that, by having the subjects unconscious during the procedures, there will be no mental hindrances towards the Void. Patience will be crucial in this, as exposure to the Void is highly corrosive for all that are born in the dimensions. Rushing this will only result in premature death.

As a way to bridge that in-between time where the Void's taint has not faded, but the subject is physically recovered, we will have multiple other subjects living together. Perhaps the lack of social interaction created unforeseen variables in the previous studies. A request shall be filed for a mind wipe to be run on the subjects for this experiment, that they hold no attachments to their previous life.

To avoid the occurrence of any unknown outside variables, we would like to request the use of a pocket dimension for the duration of this experiment. The subjects shall not interact directly with us Watchers while conscious, but we shall encourage obedience through tasks assigned remotely.

A name? Let's go with something simple. Yes, this should do.


End of log.


Project: Evolution

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