Reflexive Mother Bird

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Grian spends a while talking about random stuff, but eventually he decides it's time to go out and scout out the current situation, figure out whether or not the best option is to lay low or raze every facility he can find to the ground.

"Well, I need to head out and get a proper read on the situation, so I'm gonna head out. Before that though, make sure you're absolutely sure about staying outside of Minecraft for this one, and don't lose your bracelets." Cleo sneakily slips theirs back on, pretending like he wasn't staring directly at them. "Thank you. I know you don't like it for some reason, but it could very easily save your life."

"Yeah yeah, I know."

He sighs. There's only so much he can do without coming across like he's trying to coddle them. He'll just have to make sure he knows whenever they leave base, and make especially sure they don't leave whichever object he attached a tracking spell to behind. Being able to tell exactly where they are when they inevitably ignore his instructions and get into trouble is his best bet on reaching them before something irreversible happens.

Okay, anything else? Hmm... "I can't think of anything else... Oh! Scar, keep... What did you name the statue again?"

Scar picks up the statue, which wags its tail happily. "Dusky."

"K. Keep Dusky with you whenever you're out and about, it'll keep you-"


Grian blinked. "What?"

"Dusky. He's not an it."

He gives Scar a smile that admittedly might be a little patronizing, explaining, "Scar, it's a statue, even if animated. There's nothing biological to give it a gender, and it even-"

"Nope, Dusky's a he now."

Grian... isn't exactly sure how to approach this. His living statues have minds, yes, but he's seen how their thoughts are formed. His statues genuinely do think of themselves using 'it' instead of anything gendered! Maybe they would favor one of the gendered pronouns if he was thinking about gender while making them, but they don't, and he didn't.

Dusky just looks confused, and briefly connecting to its mind informs him that it's just confused as to why this matters. It doesn't actually care. And after a moment's thought, he shakes his head. It's right, it doesn't really matter. "Sure, Scar. If you say so."

Scar just beams, hugging the confused but happy wolf statue close.

"Dusky will keep you safe to the best of it's- to the best of his capabilities. I can fix any damage as long as the animating magic hasn't been dispelled, but I don't think potions will... Actually, would potions work on a living statue? I'm gonna have to check that-" He dragged that train of thought to a stop. "-later. I will check that... later." Several people snicker.

It's been a hot second since he found an interesting experiment to do with his living statues, and he almost let the idea distract him from his current objective. Okay. Take a moment, set aside that idea for later. He can make a new living statue to check this with once he doesn't have to worry about his friends getting potentially murdered by Watchers or fanatics. Later.

"Leaving aside my easily distractible nature, stay safe, and I'll be back in no time. No time as in several hours, up to a day if I find something interesting."

Cleo, currently fidgeting with one of their bracelets, smirks at him, then grabs his wrist, holding it up and asking, "So if we have to wear the bracelets, where's yours? You wouldn't want to be a hypocrite, right?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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