Hypixel pt 2

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Beyond the Hypixel portal was a sight unlike that of the Hermitcraft shopping district, yet equally as grand. A massive open-top structure surrounded the spawn, and various signposts pointed the way to each "minigame" as they'd taken to calling them. As fun as playing a minigame would be, Grian really did want to go stretch his wings, so he headed in the direction of the local smp.

A couple of turns later, three portals greeted him, each with signs denoting them. After giving a brief glance to the two main-faction portals, Grian proceeds to walk past them to the more mysterious looking "Neutral" portal. In theory, those on the Neutral team could ally themselves with either side, acting as a sort of wild card in large battles. In practice, almost the entire team was attacked on sight, and took the role of the server-wide punching bags. The fact that their color was purple did not help its popularity.

The portal churned for a second before opening to show an empty mesa biome. Perfect. Well, perfect as long as there were no underground bases at least. 

Stepping through, Grian took a deep breath, smelling the dry dusty scent mesas always seemed to have. He cast his senses out, searching for any signs of life. Well never mind then. Turns out that beneath that pretty mountain is quite a large base. Time to leave, preferably before someone notices him.

He takes off, climbing higher and higher into the air. Once high enough, he levels out and looks around at the nearby biomes. South seems to have had a massive amount of tnt go off at some point in time, leaving the landscape pockmarked with craters. Well that's gonna have to be a pass. Casting his gaze East reveals a massive war being waged at this very moment. Quite a stunning sight, but really not what he needs right now. 

West looks to be better at first glance, so he angled his wings to glide in that direction. It seems to have a rather large jungle taking up the majority of the land in view, getting his hopes up. Said hopes are almost immediately dashed when he senses the tree people. They seem to have built around and into the tall jungle trees, and seem to be scattered everywhere. So much for that idea.

North is his last hope. Flying while scanning the land below, Grian's hopes grow as fewer and fewer people can be sensed below. The temperature was also dropping quite drastically, but at this point he really could not care less. As long as no one was there. By now, there was little to no grass on the ground, and a large stretch of ocean could be seen on the horizon.

Noone was in sight, nor could he sense anyone underground. He was tempted to just release the transformation then and there, but spotted a blizzard a little further North. He sighed. A little extra caution wouldn't hurt, and he could use the blizzard as a way to hide in the air. Even if someone saw his outline through the blinding snow, any accusations could be easily brushed off as a trick of the snow.

Circling the blizzard for a minute, Grian dips his wing to veer straight into the middle of the arctic storm. He let the semi-permanent magic transformation fade, sighing in relief as his single pair of wings expanded and separated, returning to the overlapping layers they were most comfortable being angled at. His body expanded as well, only maintaining a vaguely humanoid shape as he circled the eye of the storm.

Speaking of the storm, it seemed awfully close to a hurricane. What with the slowly spiraling clouds and the fact that there was actually an "eye" in the middle, that sounded awfully like a hurricane. His wings cut through the air, pushing him faster than the storm's winds could go. He was following the same pattern the winds were flowing in, going faster and faster as the hurricane swirled more and more violently in an attempt to match his speed. 

So caught up was he in his storm-riding glee, that he neglected to notice that he had single handedly made this storm quite a bit worse than it had been. His first sign that perhaps he should have stopped a bit earlier was a hailstone the size of a bowling ball whipping past his head. He immediately pulled himself up short, feeling the wind rip past him in an angry roar.

Now that he was looking around, there seemed to be quite a few large chunks of ice being thrown around by the storm. Oops. He started sheepishly flying around the storm's much-expanded eye in the opposite direction, feeling the anger of the storm as it fought his interference. An oddly shaped hailstone bounced off one of his wings, shattering into hundreds of icy needles before getting whisked back into the storm. Well that was mildly terrifying.

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