Silly Pranks

183 21 2


Drifting lazily across the air currents in the sky, Grian zoned out while musing over different things he could do today. He's not particularly interested in working on his base at the moment, being a little too antsy to settle in like that, nor can he do what he really wants to do and start a resistance. He's resisting resisting, and he really does want to stick by this claim.

Should he go prank someone? That's always fun, and he can put it in a video if it's funny enough and he feels like it. But he doesn't want to do anything that needs a lot of setup...

Well, maybe he can just go mess with one of them who's streaming. Are any of them doing that right now?

Hmm... Looks like Impulse is streaming. He doesn't seem to be in the middle of anything he'd be mad about being interrupted during, so he should be a good target.

Coasting along towards where Impulse is gathering sand while distractedly talking to his chat, Grian considered his options. There's not really much in the way of cover that would let him sneak up on him, so that's a no go. He could splat in front of him as a jumpscare, but he doesn't particularly feel like hitting his face that hard on the ground right now, so no to that. Then what should he...

Oh now that's interesting. Impulse doesn't seem to be wearing his elytra at the moment! He can work with this...

Chat can see him in the distance as he lines up, waiting until Impulse is dumping the gathered sand into a shulker box before accelerating rapidly towards his back. He doesn't plan to crash into him though. This plan is much funnier.

Hooking his arms under Impulse's, he turns his forward momentum into upward, beating his wings harder to keep from stalling as he drags Impulse up high into the air. The yell of alarm makes him grin, and he finally reaches his target altitude, being more than high enough for even Feather Falling IV to be insufficient.

Leveling out, he catches a good thermal and rides it a bit higher, coasting around in lazy circles with his elytra-less friend clinging to his arms after realizing how high up he'd gone.

Grinning at the camera that had chased them up here, he chirps, "Hi chat! How are we all doing today? We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to go off on an adventure!"

They seem to find this hilarious, even if Impulse is less amused. "Grian, I think I would like to be on the ground now!"

Now that's a choice of words he can turn right around! "Oh? Now?" He loosens his grip slightly, and Impulse very quickly regrets his choice of words. "I mean, that can be arranged if you want." He wouldn't actually drop Impulse like this, not when all he's looking to do is mess around a bit. Doesn't mean he can't pretend though!

"I changed my mind, I changed my mind!" He snickers, but still resecures his hold.

"Thought so. So, chat, any thoughts on where we should take a little adventure to? Most popular place is where we're going!"

"Can I at least get my elytra if you want to sidetrack me? I can fly on my own."

"Nope! The Grian Express is the only transportation allowed for this little adventure."

He ended up spending the better part of half an hour messing around like this, and it made the travel time a lot funnier with Impulse pouting and chat joking around about the situation. A few of the other Hermits even pulled up alongside the two of them to get the context for this admittedly rather strange sight, though none of them heeded Impulse's pleas for assistance, instead choosing to laugh along as well.

Eventually though, he circled back around to the desert Impulse had been clearing of sand, sighing in mock disappointment. "Well, it looks like we've reached the end of the line. As fun as this was, I've got stuff I'm totally not ignoring that I probably should have done yesterday, so the temporary hijacking of the stream is over."

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